Friday, September 16, 2011

Reaction of Body When Love

Falling in love feels immense. That phrase seems to describe exactly how one's feelings when the heart is in love.
Scientists have long been concerned with the chemical reaction of the body when someone is falling in love. It is known that certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine, oxytocin, norepinephrine and phenetylamine, becomes active.
Chemical reactions are very influential in the mood, keeps the body in vigilance, as well as making it easier to bond emotionally with others.
"Falling in love is to give certain effects on the brain as well as time consuming additives. Active part of the brain is the center of the reward (reward center), like when we were taking drugs, "said Ethlie Ann Vare, author of Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugs.
Here are the things that happen in the body when we are enjoying the beauty of falling in love.
Difficulty sleeping
Difficult close my eyes at night is the influence of too much dopamine and neropineprin in response flowery feelings experienced by people who fall in love."The body is in a high energy. This also explains why we often face flushed if menginat him, "said Dr.Helen Fisher, author of Why Him, Why Her.
No appetite
When we're mad at someone, so it was difficult to swallow food. According to psychologists, this phase is a period in which the mind filled by an obsession with a loved one. Even so, though not the appetite of people who are drunk romance still able to conduct their activities because his body does not lack energy.
Although the concentration is difficult to think clearly, but that is in the mind is just about it. The scientists say this happens because dopamine levels are high so we behave obesesif. We are so given to detail all the things that lovers do, what they say, the way she smiles, and other small things.
Chest pain
When someone is feeling depressed and feels like chest pain, it could be a panic attack. "We're in love, active brain circuits are associated with anxiety and panic," said Fisher.
Nausea and abdominal discomfort
Almost most people never feel the sensation of discomfort in the abdomen just before something special will happen. Falling in love has the same privileged level. This will cause the brain releases several hormones that affect blood circulation to the abdomen causing the discomfort.
Some claim to feel like there are butterflies in the stomach. There is also a feeling legs felt weak, dry mouth, increased heart rate and sweaty hands. The good news, if the relationship is preserved, this feeling turned into a bond of deep and soothing.

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