Friday, October 7, 2011

When Should Our Bones Need to be Checked?

Bone density will decrease as the age of 30 years and stepped on will continue to decline gradually with age so that the risk of increased bone fragility and fracture.
Bone disease or osteoporosis, according to orthopedic specialists from Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta Errol Hutagalung goes unnoticed because it does not cause symptoms.
"In fact, one of three women and one in five men will develop osteoporosis over the age of 50 years," he told a press conference at the Personalized Health Care Osteoporosis Jakarta (6 / 10).
Therefore, he suggested that those who suffer from osteoporosis at high risk of early detection to check their bone density.
"According to WHO, the raw standard diagnosis of osteoporosis is by examination of bone density or BMD measurment. Unfortunately, in Indonesia the tool is only 50 pieces and 40 of them exist only in Java," he said.
For that, now the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) has conducted training to the health center to locate patients at high risk of osteoporosis and take precautionary action to avoid fractures.
"Conducting BMD screening is rather difficult, therefore, health center doctors are empowered to give treatment in patients at high risk of osteoporosis," he added.
He explained there are two categories of osteoporosis, namely primary and secondary. Primary osteoporosis is partly due to factors over 70 years of age and postmenopausal. While secondary osteoporosis are those who suffer from osteoporosis due to illness or long-term steroid treatment.
"For those at high risk do not need to check the bone, directly given preventive medications such as calcium," he said.
Meanwhile, for women who are still menstruating are advised to take precautions by maintaining high calcium diet and doing regular physical activity.
"As long as menstruation, meaning the hormone estrogen to maintain bone density is still a lot. Not needed check bone, but lifestyle must be changed for healthy bones," he said.

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