Saturday, October 8, 2011

Recent Studies Prove That Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

In this fast-paced world we seem to be required to do things in haste for the sake of an efficiency. These habits often carry over when we're eating food. In fact, some studies show that eating in a hurry can be bad, one of them overweight.

 Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

A recent study proves that eating fast can lead to diabetes in the elderly. That's because someone who used to spend a meal with a number of chewed slightly and then immediately swallowed up will increase the amount of sugar in the blood stream immediately. As a result, the body will be easier to have impaired glucose tolerance, also known as prediabetes.
Dr. Pradeep Ratnaparkhi, researchers are testing the topic outline, "The level of glucose in the blood in people with impaired glucose tolerance is higher than normal, so they are at high risk of diabetes," he said

 Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

Condition  prediabetes who are not controlled quickly will lead to type 2 diabetes. "In the past 10 years these people are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes with the percentage of 50 percent," he explained.
Pradeep adds, eating too quickly can also lead to an increase in the number of calories consumed. This condition will eventually lead to weight gain which in turn is associated with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Instead, by eating slowly seseoran usually will feel full sooner.
Ratnaparkhi suggested, "Eating healthy and exercising regularly can help people with pre-diabetes to maintain glucose levels under control. So eat slowly to stay slim and fit," he said.

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