Thursday, May 10, 2012

Makan Sehat Ala Rasulullah Muhammad Saw! Serta Cara Diet Paling Sehat

Diet sehat

Rupanya tanpa kita sadari, dalam makanan yang kita makan sehari-hari, kita tak boleh sembarangan. Hal inilah penyebab terjadinya berbagai penyakit antara lain penyakit kencing manis, lumpuh, sakit jantung, keracunan makanan dan lain-lain penyakit.
Ustaz Abdullah Mahmood mengungkapkan, Rasullulah tak pernah sakit perut sepanjang hayatnya karena pandai menjaga makanannya sehari-hari. Berikut Adalah kebiasaan beliau yang tak pernah dilewatkan.
Jangan makan SUSU bersama DAGING
Jangan makan DAGING bersama IKAN
Jangan makan IKAN bersama SUSU
Jangan makan AYAM bersama SUSU
makan IKAN bersama TELUR
Jangan makan IKAN bersama DAUN SALAD
Jangan makan SUSU bersama CUKA
Jangan makan BUAH bersama SUSU (Contoh : KOKTEL) Petunjuk Nabi Dalam Hal Memakan Makanan
1. Jangan makan buah setelah makan nasi, sebaliknya makanlah buah terlebih dahulu, baru makan nasi.
2. Tidur 1 jam kemudian, setelah makan di tengah hari.
3. Jangan sesekali tinggal makan malam. Barang siapa yg tinggal makan malam dia akan dimakan usia dan kolesterol dalam badan akan berganda.
4. Dalam Al-Quran juga melarang kita makan makanan darat bercampur dengan makanan laut.
Nabi pernah mencegah kita makan ikan bersama susu. karena akan cepat mendapat penyakit. Ini terbukti oleh ilmuwan yang menemukan bahwa dalam daging ayam mengandung ion+ sedangkan dalam ikan mengandung ion-, jika dalam makanan kita ayam bercampur dengan ikan maka akan terjadi reaksi biokimia yang akan dapat merusak usus kita.
Maha Besar Allah Yang Telah Mengutus Rasulnya Dengan Membawa Kebenaran. (situslakalaka/suaranews)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cycling in The Highway Breathe More Pollutants

This was revealed after the researchers took saliva samples from 10 people in London consisting of 5 people 5 people cyclists and pedestrians. In general, no significant difference between the two groups on other factors, including age, distance from home to the highway, lung function, exercise duration even.
However, when tested, the cyclists had higher levels of carbon black up to three times higher than pedestrians.
Carbon black is produced from the combustion of gasoline and diesel fuel associated with decreased heart rate, heart disease, asthma, and other adverse effects.
"Exercise is healthful, but the sport is conducted in an area of ​​low pollution levels is recommended," said Dr.Chin Nwokoro from the London School of Medicine, UK.
He added, more in-depth research will be conducted to determine whether people at high risk, such as patients who are recovering from a heart attack, may be cycling in urban areas.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Facing Cancer in Children

Facing Cancer in Children
Having a child with cancer is very sad, even for families who brave though. The best approach is to be honest with children about illness and always give support.
Cancer most often affects children is leukemia, lymphoma, retinoblastoma (eye cancer), and bone cancer is a type of cancer that generally attacks children.
The goal of cancer treatment the children not only cope with cancer but also helps the child can continue to behave normally in accordance with his age level. Even though your child is important to be supported and comforted, it is also important to maintain life as normal as possible.
That means the child continues to follow the schedule, rules, and family activities. This means parents are not being overprotective or overly protective of her.
"The key word is just one, give the fullest support possible. Do not ever shunned and ostracized. Fixed view of him as the children in general, without having to be protected, "Erwin said Fauzi, coordinator of volunteers Yellow Ribbon Kids Foundation Indonesia, who met in Dharmais Hospital on Wednesday (07/06/2011).
According to Erwin, protection will encourage excessive psychological and emotional condition of a child to become unstable. So rather than cure, but it will generate a cancer cell.
"If the mood is not comfortable it will encourage the cancer cells in the body become more active," he added.

Facing Cancer in Children
In addition to providing support and freedom, one thing is no less important is being honest about the child's illness. "Children who are not informed about the disease would imagine something totally untrue," he said.
For example, a child may be thinking that his cancer illness is a punishment for him due to a delinquency or a specific error.
"It was agreed with that by telling, would make the child become less stressed and feel guilty. Children are entitled to know about his illness. Regardless of age, "he explained.
Furthermore, Erwin said, children who know the real situation will be easier to be invited to cooperate especially in the treatment process that must be lived. Additionally, discuss cancer with children will bring the atmosphere of the family become closer and simple way to deal with it.

Recent Studies Prove That Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

In this fast-paced world we seem to be required to do things in haste for the sake of an efficiency. These habits often carry over when we're eating food. In fact, some studies show that eating in a hurry can be bad, one of them overweight.

 Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

A recent study proves that eating fast can lead to diabetes in the elderly. That's because someone who used to spend a meal with a number of chewed slightly and then immediately swallowed up will increase the amount of sugar in the blood stream immediately. As a result, the body will be easier to have impaired glucose tolerance, also known as prediabetes.
Dr. Pradeep Ratnaparkhi, researchers are testing the topic outline, "The level of glucose in the blood in people with impaired glucose tolerance is higher than normal, so they are at high risk of diabetes," he said

 Eating Fast Can Lead To Diabetes

Condition  prediabetes who are not controlled quickly will lead to type 2 diabetes. "In the past 10 years these people are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes with the percentage of 50 percent," he explained.
Pradeep adds, eating too quickly can also lead to an increase in the number of calories consumed. This condition will eventually lead to weight gain which in turn is associated with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Instead, by eating slowly seseoran usually will feel full sooner.
Ratnaparkhi suggested, "Eating healthy and exercising regularly can help people with pre-diabetes to maintain glucose levels under control. So eat slowly to stay slim and fit," he said.

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