Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Function of Antioxidants to protect our cells

Free radicals are at the beginning of many health complaints.They attack our cells and can make inoperable. The more cells of an organ can be damaged in this way, the worse it goes to the institution. Diseases occur. The cell damage caused by free radicals can also lead to degeneration of the cell.Cancer is the result. Antioxidants may protect cells against free radicals. What are antioxidants and protect the most reliable in which foods containing them, you are now reading. And these are:

Free radicals attack cells

Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules that are dangerously unstable because they lack one electron in their chemical structure. They are incomplete.So they are looking for a suitable electron to be complete again. In this search for a suitable binding partner, do free radicals very ruthless and, above all in a hurry.When a free radical is formed, it takes a record 10-11 seconds (0.00000000001 seconds) before it will attack any victim. Aggressively takes it from the nearest intact molecule (eg, molecules of the cell membrane, proteins or DNA) that he requires electron. This electron theft is called oxidation. Since oxidation - as soon as they exceed the tolerable level - stress the body, it is called oxidative stress.

Free radicals and their consequences for the organism

The molecule has been robbed of his hand is now missing an electron. It is now also a free radical itself and embarks on a search for a victim, which it could rob an electron. In this way, a dangerous chain reaction will set in motion. High concentrations of free radicals can thus trigger chain reactions countless, which can ultimately lead to a high degree of oxidative stress and thus to the following massive damage in the body:

Impaired cell functions or cell death by membrane damage
DNA damage, resulting in uncontrolled cell division (cancer formation)
Inactivation of enzymes
Reduced formation of endogenous proteins
Destruction of receptors on the cell surface: receptors are specific proteins on the cell surface, in which - can dock right hormones, enzymes or other substances - for the key-lock principle. With this docking, a specific signal is transmitted to the cell. For example, cells have receptors for the hormone insulin. When insulin binds to these receptors, the cell gets the signal for glucose uptake. The lock and key principle here is like a kind of code to ensure that only certain substances can bind to the corresponding receptor and only "authorized" are transported into the cells. Substances (eg toxins), which do not have a "key" is denied admittance into the cells. Free radicals can destroy receptors and thus prevent the signal transmission. For example, the receptors for insulin are destroyed, not received by that cell, glucose, is no more fuel and dies.
Damage caused by free radicals

Tired skin, varicose veins and high blood pressure

Specifically, the damage caused by free radicals, for example, expressed in a gray and wrinkled skin that lacks any tension in venous insufficiency and varicose veins, as well as free radicals damage blood vessels. The latter may also manifest themselves in high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

Eye problems

The fine vessels of the affected eye, there it comes to degeneration and reduced vision.

Stroke and dementia

Attack the free radicals in the vessels of the brain may lead sooner or later a stroke. Are the nerves in the brain target of attacks, then this worsens the mental alertness and can promote disease.

Joint pain

Free radicals can attack the collagen in cartilage tissue and impair its molecular structure, which can lead to joint problems like arthritis.


If the DNA of cells damaged by free radicals, which then can lead to so-called degeneration of the cell. Now, when the body's own mechanisms should consider these misguided cell from the road, fail to reproduce this cell and a tumor develops: Cancer.

This small selection of the possible destructive effects of free radicals shows that there will be no single clinical picture involving the creation of free radicals were NOT.

Antioxidants - helpers in distress

Only an antioxidant (also known as free radical scavengers) may interrupt the chain reactions of free radicals and thereby to avoid cell damage. Before the free radicals so tear an electron out of a cell membrane or from an important body protein itself, the jump in antioxidants and free radical voluntarily give off one of its electrons. Antioxidants give off their electrons so much easier than that does a cell membrane or DNA. In this way, the body cells are protected, if sufficient antioxidants are available.

An antioxidant provides two ways to commit to keeping the body's cells against free radical attack spared:

Antioxidants voluntarily give up electrons in order to protect cells.
Antioxidants are never even to a free radical or will be - after they have submitted an electron - immediately returned to its antioxidant form and thus provide for an abrupt end to the dangerous chain reaction. For example, if the antioxidant vitamin E has inactivated a radical, he is even in the short term to the free radical, the so-called vitamin E radical. However, this may never have a negative impact as it is immediately brought back from vitamin C in its original form so that it can once again act as an antioxidant. This regeneration of vitamin E radical is one of the most important tasks of vitamin C.
Free radicals in the primeval

Free radicals have a bad reputation and it seems we need to focus on nothing more than to eradicate them. In reality, however, there are free radicals so long (or longer) as there is life on Earth. Animals and plants had already developed a lot of scavenging strategies, when our ancestors still roaring swinging from branch to branch. At that time there was still no need to worry about actively and consciously to free radicals.

First, existed at the time not nearly as many risk factors that could give rise to a cause such undue amount of free radicals as they are today (to the risk factors, see below),
Second, the lifestyle was significantly healthier (fewer long-term stress, balanced movement, more sunlight, etc.) and
Third, provided the diet is a very large number of antioxidants, so that was a possible free radical excess done in no time.
Free radicals in modern times

Today the situation is quite different. People smoke, drink alcohol, eat junk food, live in metropolitan areas with high traffic volume and correspondingly high exhaust emissions, are - as it seems - every 25 years, exposed to a radioactive meltdown and take one for every little tweet drugs. According to conservative estimates, each of our 100 trillion cells of the body each day is now being attacked by thousands of free radicals. So there are large amounts of antioxidants needed to refer to the "radical" army in his place.

Unfortunately we are today, however, not only exposed more and more free radicals, but at the same time indulge in a diet that contains more antioxidants and less strain on the body due to their toxicity even with additional free radicals.

Antioxidants in the diet

While the modern diet provides on the basis of grain, milk and meat, the nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates and fats in abundance, where antioxidants are few and far between. People will always plump, while also getting sicker. What is lacking is a rich selection of many different vegetables and seedlings, fruits and wild plants on natural oils and fats as well as seeds and nuts. All these foods are optimal and abundant sources of valuable antioxidants. A diet based on these foods, therefore, protects against disease and premature aging.

Free radicals can also be helpful

Free radicals are not always and necessarily bad. As is so often the case, makes the amount of the difference between good and evil.

Thus, our body produces namely everyday actions themselves very many free radicals:

During cellular respiration:

Our cells need constant oxygen to produce energy. As a by-product also generates free radicals - the more, the higher the energy production in the body.The energy production is changing as needed. For example, it rises in stressful situations in sport or disease. Consequently, these three factors can include the number of free radicals grow naturally.

In immune responses:

Free radicals are formed, moreover, not only as a byproduct of some bodily functions. They are from our organism - more precisely by our immune system - to produce a very specific purpose. Free radicals can attack that is not only healthy body structures, but are able to specifically destroy pathogens such as bacteria or viruses or curb aggressive acute inflammation. Here, free radicals are so desirable and useful.

What external influences may occur in the body, free radicals?

The following factors, however, increase the number of free radicals in the body to a multiple of the desired and useful amount, so the human body is affected in modern times under a constant attack by free radicals:

Chemicals and solvents
Air pollution from traffic, industry and households
Harmful foods such as industrially processed fats or sugar
Food additives such as preservatives, colorings, flavorings, etc.
Residues of plant protection products (herbicides, fungicides and pesticides) in food
Radioactive and electromagnetic radiation
Excessive sun exposure
Cigarette smoke: Up to 1,000,000,000,000,000 (= 1000 trillion), free radicals are formed in a single train in the body of the smoker.
Drugs and drug
Body care products made from synthetic materials and more.
Protect yourself with antioxidants

For the modern man who is constantly surrounded by all these influences, there is consequently an urgent need to actively protect against free radicals, by ensuring a consistently high level of antioxidant status.

Antioxidant rich food groups

In part, the organism can establish itself in the form of antioxidant enzymes. The vast majority of antioxidants, however, taken with food. Next up were mentioned the most antioxidant-rich food groups. Here again is an overview:

Sprouts, lentil sprouts, for example, sunflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts, Spelt Sprouts, etc.
Wild plants such as dandelion, chickweed, reporting, etc. Giersch
Oilseeds and nuts
Natural oils and fats
What are antioxidants it?

What comes at the word "antioxidants" as the first in your mind? Vitamin C?Vitamin C is an antioxidant. That's right. However, its antioxidant effect is not nearly as overwhelming as one might think due to his reputation.

An apple contains about 10 milligrams of vitamin C, but its antioxidant effect is greater by a multiple. She is so great that in it - would the antioxidant effect of vitamin C alone - 2,250 milligrams of vitamin C would be included, but this is not the case. So are the Apple obviously still a lot of other substances, which have much stronger antioxidant activity than vitamin C. This highly effective force include, for example, the enzymes belonging to the polyphenols, phytochemicals (eg flavonoids, anthocyanins, isoflavones, etc.)

The five major groups of the most effective antioxidants are:

Trace elements
Phytochemicals (bioactive plant compounds or phytochemicals also called), which were originally formed by reason of a plant or fruit to protect this plant or fruit from fungal infestation of insects or from UV radiation. Other antioxidant phytochemicals are the color dyes of plant, the flowers, leaves or fruit. In the human body, these herbal antioxidants help to stay healthy and happy.
The TOP TEN of the Antioxidants

The following are the known and / or powerful antioxidants:

Vitamin E: The vitamin E family are in addition to the known alpha-tocopherol (in vegetable oils such as wheat germ oil), also known as tocotrienols that one should have up to 40 times stronger antioxidant activity than alpha-tocopherol (at least in vitro). Tocotrienols, especially in red palm oil, coconut oil, but also in front.
Vitamin C
Trace elements such as selenium, iron and zinc: they act only antioxidant, if they can act as components of enzymes. The selenium-containing enzyme glutathione peroxidase, for example, is a key component of the body's defense system against free radicals and protects the cell walls in particular.
From OPC (OPC is the abbreviation for proanthocyanidin oligomers) such as grape seeds or the skin and the skins of fruits: OPC are secondary plant compounds from the large group of flavonoids. The antioxidant potential of OPC is nearly 20 times greater than that of vitamin C and 50 times greater than that of vitamin E. OPC also reinforce the antioxidant power of vitamins and vice versa.Both - and OPC Vitamins - thus act synergistically to heat and each other in the fight against free radicals to new heights.
Glutathione: Glutathione is a tripeptide known (ie it consists of three amino acids) and is considered one of the strongest known antioxidants and as a popular anti-aging agent. Apart from the fact that it off free radicals and initiate DNA repair processes may have the task of glutathione, vitamin C - if this has already inactivated a free radical and can no longer act as an antioxidant - back to its antioxidative active form, and thus to . transform
Allicin (in garlic, leeks, onions) is a sulfur-containing phytochemicals, called sulfides and is known for its vascular protective effects to atherosclerosis and thus prevent heart attack and stroke.
Carotenoids: Carotenoids describe red or orange vegetable dyes but may also occur in green vegetables. Among the carotenoids:
Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene protects the cell membranes and the blood vessels so that it can not come there to atherosclerotic cholesterol buildup. Leader in terms of beta-carotene is the green cabbage, closely followed by carrots, cabbage, dill and lettuce
Lutein and zeaxanthin: These two carotenoids occur in the human body especially in the retina of the eye and the yellow spot. The yellow spot is the point in the center of the retina where the highest visual acuity is achieved. Both carotenoids in the eye including work as antioxidants and neutralize free radicals that are generated by the incoming light. Lutein and zeaxanthin can not be synthesized by the body, so they must be eaten in the form of fruits and vegetables. The more lutein and zeaxanthin are present in the diet, the better the eyes seem to be protected against age-related eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. Even the visual acuity depends on the supply from these two carotenoids. The more lutein and zeaxanthin consumed, the better it looks. The two carotenoids are present especially in spinach and cabbage, but also in many other vegetables and fruits.
Lycopene (particularly in tomatoes, pink grapefruit and papaya): Lycopene is an antioxidant that the protective and healing properties are said in prostate cancer.
Astaxanthin: Did you know that you can more safely for longer stay in the sun, the better you are supplied with antioxidants? Sunscreens contain in most cases, harmful chemicals and raw materials that contaminate the skin more than you use.In addition, they prevent the vitamin D production in the skin - and that, where a large proportion of the population from chronic vitamin D deficiency is suffering, increase susceptibility to the extremely serious diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis significantly can. A much better solution to protect the skin against sunburn and skin cancer is, however, the adequate supply of the body with an antioxidant-rich diet. For if the body's cells to be protected by an army of antioxidants, free radicals are caused by solar radiation, damaging any chance, the cells. It comes - the slow habituation of the skin to the sun for granted - neither sunburn nor skin cancer. So the sun is not the villain here, but junk food in conjunction with "stay-" and then a sudden and unprepared sun exposure. This in particular algae or in some (pink) fish and seafood occurring antioxidant astaxanthin has a particularly protective effect on the skin and is considered a "natural sunscreen," if taken in time (at least four weeks) before the summer or holidays.
Other secondary plant compounds that also act as antioxidants for us are the following:
Flavones, flavonols, flavanols and flavanones: These substances belong to the flavonoids and are found in virtually all types of vegetables and fruit. In large amounts, however they are found in citrus fruits, prickly pears (the fruit of the Indian fig), in parsley, onions, celery, bell peppers, but also in green tea and cocoa (the latter in, for example, dairy-free organic chocolate or a chocolatealmond milk recipe here.)
Anthocyanins: They also belong to the flavonoids and present here is the subgroup of the blue or violet-colored natural dyes in plants, such as berries, in many flowers, etc. in the bowl of eggplant, purple grapes, cherries
Phytoestrogens (eg isoflavones): They also belong to the large group of flavonoids. They are found especially in flaxseed and soy products, but also in lentils, oatmeal and hemp.
Phenolic acids: Especially effective proved to be the ellagic acid in pomegranate, also significant amounts of phenolic acids are found in Zistrosentee or berries, cherries, grapes, cabbages, leeks, lettuce, pineapple, bell peppers, carrots, tomatoes, lentils, barley and nuts. (For more information on the effects of pomegranates, particular fungal infections can be found here:
Sulforaphane: sulforaphane has been shown effective in trials for cancer and arthritis. He comes in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli (especially in the seedlings), in cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, radishes, cabbage, red cabbage, kohlrabi, radish, arugula, watercress and mustard and gives these vegetables their characteristic sharp flavor. Sulforaphane is an effective antioxidant substance that emits electrons and not even this would be inactivated, but instead activates the body's own detoxifying enzymes in the liver. Neutralize these enzymes (including carcinogenic) free radicals, so that they do not cause cell damage anymore. Learn more about "broccoli against cancer."
Superoxide dismutase (SOD): SOD is an enzyme that is - is at the core of the body's immune and detoxification system and an extremely powerful antioxidant is - together with the glutathione peroxidase (see above). SOD can be found eg in barley grass.
Foods rich in antioxidants

Antioxidant-rich foods are especially the following:

Berries such as blueberries, black currants, sea buckthorn, Goji berries, cranberries (dried better than purchased juice)
Nucleated grapes
Citrus fruits, especially grapefruit and lemon
Tropical fruits
Barley grass and other grasses such as Spelt grass, wheat grass, etc. Kamutgras
All brassicas such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, red cabbage, etc.
Sprouts such as broccoli sprouts, lentil sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, etc.
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, corn salad, and all leaves of many vegetables such as radish leaves, turnip leaves, broccoli leaves, etc.
Herbs such as chervil, parsley, rosemary, mint and basil
Turmeric (preferably in a mixture with pepper, as the pepper increases the bioavailability of the antioxidant substance (curcumin) in turmeric by more than a thousand times!
Flax and hemp
Sunflower seeds
Nuts such as hazelnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts (Selen!), walnuts, etc.
Garlic and onions
Cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes
All edible wild plants and flowers such as dandelions, ground elder, mallow, stinging nettle (nettle seeds also) etc.
Spirulina, chlorella and AFA-Algae
Maca (South American root vegetable)
What are antioxidants must be taken when eating

Why you should eat only antioxidants in their natural form
As some antioxidants work only in the presence of other antioxidants and increase the various antioxidants against each other in a food or supplement, it should preferably not be taken as individual specimens, but in the form of fresh, organically grown food or in the form of high quality and holistic nutritional supplements. Only then can they protect the body perfectly and strengthen the body's own defense effectively.
Bad combination: Milk and antioxidants
Milk prevents many antioxidants (especially flavonoids) to it to perform its antioxidant function and thus makes destroy their health benefits. Why does the consumption of antioxidant rich teas nothing, if you enjoy it with milk or milk-based tea cakes, cookies, etc. to eat. Also, the antioxidants in cocoa hardly benefit more if it is milk chocolate. The situation is similar when fruits are eaten with yogurt or cottage cheese or milk shakes, if cereal is eaten with milk, if given a yogurt dressing salads, vegetables, fresh cream poured over when or if vegetables are baked with cheese.
Fresh and processed more gently
So if you want to benefit from the protective effects of antioxidants, then dairy products should not be consumed together with those foods on the antioxidant capacities you value. Apart from that, the amount of antioxidants present in foods and their bioavailability to a greater extent, the longer the food is stored, the more it is processed, the higher it is heated and the longer it is exposed to oxygen. Not least is the impact of weather conditions, soil conditions, variety selection and cultivation methods on the antioxidant content of the corresponding food.
Better Bio
Fruits and vegetables, for example, are regularly treated with pesticides and fungicides are less antioxidants than fruits and vegetables organically grown. The latter must eventually set themselves against fungi, bacteria or insects and make defense against these threats, antioxidants, plants must be sprayed while hardly active in this regard, failing which the entire work is detached from the chemicals.
Antioxidants are sitting in the shell
Often, the antioxidants found in or immediately under the skin of a fruit or a vegetable. So if we peel each cucumber, eggplant every, every apple, etc. always neatly, so we throw the bowl and valuable antioxidants in the compost. (Sprayed fruits and vegetables from conventional crops should be peeled, but better.)
Conclusion: Will you benefit from the antioxidants in your daily diet as possible, then the following

Antioxidant consumption rules:

Milk consumption does not reduce or eat dairy products together with antioxidant-rich foods
Get fresh food as possible from the farm and freshly prepared
Food must be stored only briefly
Food processing as little as possible and only gentle heat
Food does not cut or crushed leave
Buy food as possible from organic production
Fruits and vegetables (if organic) food as possible with the shell
The antioxidant-rich diet - practical tips

How could you make your diet rich in antioxidants or those of your clients?

Prepare cereal instead of cow's milk with almond milk (recipe can be found here)
Enjoy fruit instead of cheese or fruit yogurt with fruit yogurt prefer almond milk or rice milk.
Access to the old apple varieties. Select lie Goldparmäne example, Brettacher, Alcmene, rennet, etc. and let apples like Granny Smith or Golden Delicious.
They prefer fruits from the above list, so instead of oranges grapefruits, strawberries, currants instead, goji berries instead of raisins, etc.
Make vegetables to your staple food and heat this as gently as possible.
Access to natural nuts, sunflower seeds or hemp instead of traditional snacks.
Learn about green smoothies! (More information can be found here)
Drink (add a pinch of turmeric in warm (not hot) water) Zistrosentee, Kurkumatee, Süßholztee and ginger tea. Ginger can also be mixed into smoothies or green spice rubbed Asian vegetable dishes.
Spice up your vegetable dishes with a mixture of turmeric and pepper.
Do you prefer green food! In addition to green leafy vegetables, green salads and smoothies are very good drinks made from barley grass, wheat grass, etc. are
With all these foods and tips to take naturally to not only antioxidants, but also those substances that can specifically inhibit tumor spread and metastasis, substances that are toxic to cancer cells, substances that can reduce inflammation, substances that prevent blood clotting can, substances that have antibacterial, etc., etc. It is therefore a holistic diet, can accomplish the Great, which prevents, protects and heals.

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