Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Ways to Improve Yor Brain Memory

Actually, the brain never loses its memory. The brain can record everything like a computer. Although, the problem of memory loss can happen because we do not practice for the memory recall information so that we could have lost.
The brain, like other parts of the body that requires mental and physical exercise together with specific nutrients to enhance the power of memory. Here are 10 things you can do to keep the memory remains good:
Soybean According to Prof. Sandra File from Guy's Hospital, London, soy contains isoflavones which can act as an estrogen receptor in the human brain, particularly in the hippocampus as an area important to memory so that new neural connections form more readily.
Iron Research at Kings College, London and University of Rochester in New York showed that the decrease in consumption of iron can have a detrimental effect on IQ levels and cognitive function because jat iron plays an important role in changing the signals in the brain.
Coffee Coffee may improve mental performance and memory because coffee can stimulate many areas in the brain that can manage to stay awake, arousal, mood and concentration. Research at the University of Arizona found that adults who drink coffee before a memory test showed a significant improvement than those who drank decaffeinated coffee.
Mental Exercise Research shows that mental stimulation can maintain healthy brain and improve memory power. People who have a good memory and tend to have different desires can overcome the challenges of mental exercise. Mental practice may use techniques such as puzzles, riddles and interest in social and cultural fields.
Physical Exercise Half an hour of physical exercise three times a week quite an impact on increasing brain power. Exercise can improve the heart's ability to pump blood more effectively.
Chewing gum The Japanese researchers found that activity in the hippocampus have peningkaan when people are chewing gum. But Dr. Andrew Scholey of the University Nothumbria said that chewing gum can increase the heart rate which improves the oxygen being delivered to the brain and improve cognitive powers.
Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo biloba is used as a tonic memory dive thousands of years ago. According to Drs. George Lewith ginkgo can improve blood circulation to the brain by raising the blood vessels thereby increasing the oxygen supply.
Fish oil Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids which are essential components of brain cell membranes and can improve the power of memory.
Rosemary and sage Oil from this plant can stimulate the memory, strengthen clarity and awareness and help heal the mental exhaustion.
Vitamin B Vitamin B works to deliver oxygen to the brain and provide protection against damage-free. Vitamin B sharpen and improve memory.
Niacin or B3 is very good for strengthening the brain, while B6 is essential for the production of neurotransmitters, especially to enhance the mood. B12 is good for overall brain health. Vitamain B is also needed to help the body form acetylcholine, a brain chemical needed for memory.
Forgotten Disease & Secrets Strengthens Memory
Things that can cause illness not forget:
- Eat fish head - The internal organs of animals such as the liver. Spleen, heart, stomach and the sejsenisnya except on the advice of your doctor for medical purposes. - Eating food contaminated by the ants because the ants are believed to contain adequate chemical that causes a type of memory becomes weak. - Do not overeat - Do not drink water between bites to eat. That is, do not drink before you finish eating.
Apart from that, avoid strong impact on the head. Conflicts in the head strong and too often will result in similar levels of a chemical called dopamine is reduced in brain cells. Then lead to a weak memory.
Secret Strengthens Memory
To strengthen your memory, with the grace and mercy of God Almighty, we dikurniakan good food and can strengthen our nervous system. Among the types of food that can enhance memory function are:
- Black grapes - Honey bee - Milk - Water zam zam - Raisin - Carrot juice & honey - Dates - Tuna - Tempe
That is only part of the food that can enhance human memory.
Apart from that, oxygen is also very important to stimulate the brain to always deft and intelligent. One breathing technique is very good start is with deep breathing practiced as much as 7 counts, then hold breath for 14 counts. Do keep this especially when you're tired.

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