Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cigarette Smoke Can Increase Risk of Diabetes

The negative effects of cigarettes increased again. If during this cigarette synonymous with lung disease and heart, a recent study found tobacco smoke also make people vulnerable to get diabetes type 2.

Tobacco smoke can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes (diabetes that lifestyle) for both active and passive smokers.

A study showed that cigarette smoke increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, and this risk will be higher in passive smokers. The results of this study have been reported in the paper of Diabetes Care.

"The potential risk of diabetes from exposure to cigarette smoke was previously unknown. For that people should limit exposure to secondhand smoke from the surrounding environment," said Dr. David Nathan, head of the Diabetes Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, was quoted as saying by Reuters on Monday (14 / 3 / 2011).

For this latest study, Dr John P Forman and colleagues from Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston to see the response of 100,000 women. Participants are given the questions about how much time they become active smokers or passive smokers.

Forman and his team found that women who smoked more than two packs a day has the highest likelihood of developing diabetes, and risk of developing diabetes will be higher in women exposed to secondhand smoke (passive smokers).

"Although the participants were women but there is no reason that the results of this study do not apply to men, because the same risk factors for diabetes for both sexes," says Forman.

Meanwhile, Nathan said that is not known with certainty what is the relationship between diabetes and smoking, but there is a possibility meainkan role of inflammation in both conditions. The results of this study showed no association with each other.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body can not process sugar properly and usually occurs in adults. This condition can be controlled with diet and exercise, but if not handled properly can cause life-threatening complications.

Stop Smoking! Performed by First If Taxable Diabetes

Smoking is very dangerous for diabetics, the danger level even higher than people without diabetes. Quitting smoking is the first thing to do if you get diabetes.

Smoking can indeed damage the health of all people. But for people who have diabetes it is more dangerous, because the nicotine in cigarettes can increase blood sugar levels which can lead to complications.

In laboratory experiments researchers found that nicotine can increase blood sugar levels. The more nicotine into the body so blood sugar levels will be higher. High blood sugar levels are associated with increased risk of complications from diabetes such as eye disorders, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.

"Smoking is very dangerous for diabetics. Do not use the electronic cigarette or nicotine gum to stop the intake of nicotine. Because it has a nicotine addiction and use the product in the long term replacement can be very detrimental," said Xiao-Chuan Liu, professor of chemistry department of California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, as quoted from HealthDay, Tuesday (03/29/2011).

Liu revealed the results of this study should encourage people with diabetes to stop smoking completely and realize the danger. Addition, people with diabetes should also limit the use of other nicotine replacement products like nicotine patches.

In this study, Liu and colleagues add some level of nicotine levels in samples of human red blood cells and tested the levels of hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), which is a benchmark number of red blood cells that have glucose molecules. Most people with diabetes have to fight to keep his HbA1C levels of 7 percent or less.

From the results of the study the researchers found that small doses of nicotine can increase levels of HbA1C by 8.8 percent, and high doses of nicotine administered after two days of increasing levels of HbA1C of 34.5 percent.

"Nicotine is toxic and our results demonstrate that nicotine causes an increase in HbA1C. It's important to know the community and especially for smokers," said Liu.

Diabetes is a disease that is rich in complication because it can attack any part of the body. If blood sugar levels continuously increased then could trigger the occurrence of complications.

"Patients with diabetes have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and smoking can increase the risk. Because it's all good men who are diabetic or not should quit smoking," said Dr. Joel Zonszein, director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center, New York City .

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