Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis Risk Exposure

Osteoporosis is a bone disorder in which bones become porous and brittle. Due to porous and brittle, then the bones become brittle if dropped or clash. The most frequent bone fractures are the hip bones, spine, and wrist bones. Fracture of the spine sometimes fatal. Patients may experience weakness or paralysis of the lower limbs due to suppression of nerve fibers that come out of the vertebral column.

Osteoporosis is a problem for everyone, especially those entering the elderly, not just for women. Women require more iron and calcium, because women have menstrual cycles that allow calcium out concurrently with blood coming out. This causes women more susceptible to osteoporosis than men.

Are you at risk for osteoporosis? Answer the following questions with "Yes" or "No". The more you choose to answer "Yes", the greater your risk of osteoporosis.

Do you have a posture tall and slender? Yes / No
Whether you're white or Asian race? Yes / No
Are you aged over 50 years? Yes / No
Whether you have been through the menopause? Yes / No
Is your mother or any family affected by osteoporosis? Yes / No
Did you experience early menopause or hysterectomy? Yes / No
Do you use drugs for thyroid disease? Yes / No
Do you use drugs for asthma or rheumatoid? Yes / No
Does your daily diet containing low calcium? Yes / No
Do you rarely exercise or physical activity? Yes / No
Do you smoke? Yes / No
Do you consume alcohol? Yes / No

Various ways you can do to prevent or minimize the risk of osteoporosis. The most easy and inexpensive course with insufficient intake of foods rich in calcium and exercise or physical activity regularly. A variety of food available daily kalisum actually have enough content for the body, such as milk and soy.

Here are some tips to prevent or avoid or minimize the risk of osteoporosis:

Increase Calcium Intake

If you are at risk of osteoporosis, one common way to prevent that you should get more calcium intake. You can increase the consumption of foods rich in calcium or calcium supplements as directed. Many food sources that contain calcium include milk, cereal, soy, fish, orange juice, egg yolks, yogurt, broccoli and vegetables berhijau leaves.

Do Aftifitas Physical or Exercise Routine

Routinely exercise like lifting weights, walking, jogging, gymnastics, bowling, and up and down stairs can help keep bones strong. Swimming, yoga, and riding a bike is good exercise, but did not play a lot in strengthening your bones. Walking for half an hour three times a week had a major impact in preventing osteoporosis. Walking in the morning and the morning sunlight is very good for the bones.

Stop Smoking

People who are active and passive smoking prone to osteoporosis because of substance nicotine contained in cigarettes can decrease bone density.

A number of studies found an association between smoking and osteoporosis in men and women. A study looked at cases of hip fractures in elderly women, and concluded that one of the 8 cases the fracture was caused by loss of bone mass caused by smoking.

Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of low bone mass and fractures. However, it may take several years to reduce the risk of osteoporosis in former smokers.

Stop Alcoholic Drinks

Osteoporosis tends to occur in old age, but with the onset of excessive alcohol consumption can occur at a younger age, this is because alcohol causes the abnormalities in the form of decreased levels of calcium in the blood so the body will take it from the bones.

Stopping consumption of alcoholic beverages will normalize levels of calcium in the blood so as not to disrupt the supply of calcium in the bones, and soteporosis risk becomes minimal.

Reduce Drinking Coffee

Too much caffeine consumption expenditure encourages calcium from the body. If indeed you have to consume coffee, try adding milk or cream (but not non-dairy creamer) in his coffee.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

In women, osteoporosis worse after menopause, when estrogen production decreases dramatically. Function of which is the hormone estrogen to maintain bone density. During menopause you may be interested in making an estrogen hormone replacement therapy to help you slow the loss of calcium and helps restore bone mass.

But you have to be careful because some types of HRT therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer, heart disease and stroke.

Drugs and Supplements

If you are already showing signs of bone fragility, consult with your doctor about the possibility to use drugs or supplements that dpat slows bone loss and build new bone.

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