Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Distinguishing Chest Pain and Heart Attacks

When experiencing chest pain, most people fear it is dangerous to heart attack. Though symptoms of a heart attack is not always in the chest because there are several symptoms that accompany him. Chest pain can also be due to other problems. How to differentiate chest pain due to heart attack or other disorder?

Doctor Rob Lamberts as reported housecalldoctor, said people need to distinguish when it is a serious chest pain due to heart attack or other diseases, such as those contained in

If chest pain leading to heart attacks it must be taken quickly for his help to prevent heart muscle damage that can occur within a few hours that lead to death.

Lamberts doctor says to heart attack symptoms, not the right word actually, but the sensation of chest pain in the chest. This sensation was not feeling like a heavy feeling when breathing, cold feeling in the chest or shortness of breath.

He said nearly a third of heart attack patients do not experience chest pain. But in fact the symptoms are felt long before the pain is intermittent in 5 minutes or do not settle and a lot of people often ignored. Chest pain arising tenggalam was usually short, less than 20 minutes.

When chest pain was classified as a serious symptom of heart attack?

Symptoms typical of heart attack (angina) is:

1. Chest tightness, heavy or like being blackmailed

Many sufferers of this condition is described as carrying heavy loads on his chest like a chest or tied tight. This sensation usually felt in the upper left chest. But sometimes also difficult to pinpoint the exact location.

2. Shortness of breath

3. Sweating, nausea and feeling anxious

4. The pain in the neck, left arm and jaw, behind the stomach, one shoulder or both shoulders.

5. Feeling weak and fast heartbeat or irregular.

Conditions that could arise while people are resting. Symptoms can also occur while or after exercise, stress or after a big meal that there is only one way immediately brought to the nearest hospital emergency unit.

In addition to chest pain of heart attack, as quoted by WebMD, chest pain is also a sign of problems or other diseases such as digestive disorders (gastritis) or the wrong muscles.

Chest pain is not a heart attack are:

1. Muscle or bone pain in the chest

This condition often occurs when a person's activity increases or adds to schedule exercise.

2. Chest pain when coughing

This condition occurs because there is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus.

3. Pain in the ribs

If it occurs before the rash appears red could be a sign of herpes zoster.

4. Rib fractures

The existence of a broken rib that makes people feel chest pain, especially when coughing or taking deep breaths.

5. Indigestion Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acid reflux disease is rising into the esophagus.

This condition can cause pain under the breastbone, heartburn.

6. The problem of lung pneumothorax

This condition causes chest pain and shortness of breath in the very extreme.

7. Blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)

This condition causes chest pain and shortness of breath in the very extreme.

8. Lung cancer

Lung cancer also cause chest pain, especially if cancer cells have spread to a rib.

9. Spine disease

These diseases also cause pain in the chest when pinched nerves in the spine.

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