Friday, September 23, 2011

Sex Every Day Increase Sperm Count

One disorder that causes difficulty obtaining offspring pairs is the lack of sperm count. To increase the production of sperm in the semen, the experts suggested that sexual intercourse is done every day. The more that comes out, the better the quality.

The number of spermatozoa present in semen (the fluid released during male ejaculation) is the determinant of fertilization success. Normal, the amount of about 20 million spermatozoa / ml. In men, found cases of poor spermatozoa (oligozoospermia) or no sperm cells are found at all (azoospermia).

During these couples who are following fertility treatment are advised to have sex a few days so the more the number of sperm cells. But the latest study conducted by a team from the University of Sydney, Australia, argues precisely the opposite. According to them, men with abnormal sperm should have sex every day so the quality is getting better.

In his study, experts from Australia involved 42 men who had a deformed sperm cells. Normal sperm is shaped like a tadpole, consisting of head, body and tail. Abnormalities such as small head or a tail will not affect sperm motility, which in turn complicates the sperm cells is measure in the egg.

The men were then asked to ejaculate every day for a week. The results are then compared with those who ejaculated once every three days. It turned out that men who ejaculate every day, more and more damage to sperm counts reduced when compared with the ejaculation a few days.

According to Dr Allan Pacey, secretary of the British Fertility Society, said that having sex every other day did increase the number of sperm, but there is a gap between quality and quantity. "The results of this study show ejaculation every day will reduce the damage to DNA, many of these little effect on fertility," he said. So the number of sperm quality is a bit long as well, would be more easily reach the egg.

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