Friday, September 23, 2011

Various Egg Goodness For Health

 Eggs, everyone would know about it and very likely never enjoy it. The round is not only can be consumed directly, for example, scrambled, boiled, diceplok or may be eaten raw; but also widely used as a main ingredient or complement other types of cuisines and foods.

Besides tasty, the egg also has an excellent nutrient for the growth and maintain a healthy body. Eggs have long been used to increase stamina, for example, is eaten with herbal medicine or to help form the body for bodybuilding athletes.

Egg is an antioxidant-rich foods, high protein sources, energy sources and contain 13 kinds of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are good for the heart, to the developing fetus, both for patients with iron deficiency anemia who experience inflammation, and other properties.

Here are the various properties of eggs for health, as published in

Raw Eggs Rich Antioxidant

Reputation eggs already identical with the foods that cause cholesterol levels rise. In fact, according to recent research, protein-rich food that is in fact contain high antioxidants.

The content of antioxidants in eggs from chickens fed wheat and corn are two times greater than the antioxidants in apples. In fact, two raw eggs antioxidant levels equivalent to 25 grams of cranberries. Powerful antioxidants in the eggs, among others, tryptophan, an amino acid, and tyrosine.

So far the antioxidants in eggs are known carotenoid pigments that give color to egg yolks. However, scientists continue to explore other antioxidants present in the egg.

In previous research, the scientists found that the egg protein modified by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine into peptides that act like ACE inhibitors, a drug prescribed to lower blood pressure.

The results were considered controversial because, as is known society, the consumption of eggs will increase blood pressure due to the high cholesterol content.

Not only that, the study also mentions that boiled or fried eggs will lose up to 50 percent antioxidant, even more so if matured in the microwave.

Eggs are nutritious and cheap food source. Eggs contained in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and minerals.

Seven Reasons You Need To Eat Eggs

Eggs were really delicious, especially the egg yolk. No wonder when people are happy to process the eggs become friends eat rice side dish. In addition to delicious, the egg turned out to also store various health benefits. If you are still hesitant to eat eggs for fear of cholesterol goes up, there are seven things you can consider again:

1. Protein source

Eggs are a natural source of protein, even is one of the highest quality protein. Raw foods provide all the amino acids needed by our bodies.

2. Energy sources

Need a quick breakfast? Take the boiled eggs. Research shows that eating high protein foods for breakfast, like eggs, can help you feel more energetic and more full throughout the day. Benefits of breakfast itself is also to improve memory and enhance concentration.

3. Eggs were economically

When averaged, per egg price is only Rp 1,200 to Rp 1,400. That is, a lot cheaper than other high protein foods per serving.

4. Eggs are good for the heart

Research has been done for over 30 years concluded that healthy adults can enjoy eggs without affecting the risk of heart disease.

5. Easy cooking

Only with boiled, made egg, or scrambled eggs, you can get a delicious breakfast. Time to cook no longer than if you make cereal or oatmeal.

6. Good for fetal development

Eggs are a source of choline, a nutrient essential for the development of the fetus and infant. Pregnant women who get enough choline in their food menu could help reduce the risk of certain birth defects in babies, and support brain development and memory.

7. Contains vitamins and minerals

An egg has 13 essential vitamins and minerals in varying amounts. An egg also contains only 70 calories. So long as no excessive consumption, safe to eat eggs every day.

Method Egg White in Heal The Body

During this time the egg gets a negative reputation as one of the foods that provide high cholesterol and fat. When in fact we do not have to stay away from these delicious foods. Therefore, we only need to set aside the egg yolks and egg whites enjoy to provide nutrients the body healthy.

What nutrients can we enjoy from the egg white? Here's the full list of benefits:

No cholesterol

Mayo Clinic revealed that the eggs had very high cholesterol. Even in a large egg, cholesterol content can meet the needs of our daily cholesterol. Total cholesterol in the egg is 213 mg and everything is in the yolk.

So we need to do is remove the egg yolks and egg whites enjoy in their entirety. Because under normal circumstances, the needs of our cholesterol is 300 mg per day. If we enjoy the egg yolk cholesterol plus other foods, this is what will lead to various diseases because of total cholesterol that enters the body is too high. As for us who suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular disorders, cholesterol count should we consume is 200 mg per day.

High protein

Mayo Clinic also mentioned, egg whites are one food that very high protein content after the chicken, fish and lean meat. Half of the contents of the egg is a protein which, when weighed value reaches 6 grams. But these nutrients will be eliminated when we fry an egg. Processing techniques with a fried egg will only increase the levels of cholesterol in eggs. Low calorie.

One diet that can realize our desire to have a flat stomach is to enjoy the egg whites. For the calories in the egg white is 71 calories, plus the added high protein content which will make us feel full longer.

So do not be hostile eggs. We just need to choose which parts of eggs that can be enjoyed more. Thus, the eggs can be heart-friendly foods and our waistlines.

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