Sunday, September 25, 2011

Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Becoming more and more people are exposed to high blood pressure or hypertension, which can increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

Various methods are used to lower blood pressure, either naturally or using drugs a doctor. Drugs lowering blood pressure can usually cause side effects, such as leg cramps, dizziness, and insomnia.

Today more and more people who looked at alternative medicine in dealing with her illness, as well as hypertension. Here are some natural ways you can try to handle your hypertension, quoted from various sources:

1. Walking

Hypertensive patients are encouraged to walk every day at least 30 minutes. It would be nice if while walking also brings a bit like a dumbbell weight. Walking and exercise helps the heart use oxygen efficiently, so it does not work harder to pump blood.

2. Inhale slowly

Try to breath slowly, not out of breath and more regular. You can practice yoga, or tai chi in order to breathe more regularly. During morning and evening, for five minutes breathing deeply and slowly waste. This can reduce renin, an enzyme in the kidneys that can increase blood pressure.

3. Consumption of foods rich in potassium

According to Linda Van Horn, PhD, professor of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medical, United States, eating foods that contain lots of high potassium can lower high blood pressure. Try to eat potassium 2000 to 4000 mg per day. High potassium-containing foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, peas and oranges.

4. Limit sodium intake

Some people are very sensitive when you consume salt or sodium. Excessive salt intake can trigger high blood pressure. Consumption of salt or sodium per day should be no more than 1,500 mg (half a teaspoon dose contains 1200 mg of salt). So cut the consumption of salt, so that blood pressure remained stable.

5. Consumption of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate or dark chocolate contains flavanols that can make the blood vessels become more elastic. A study showed patients who took 0.5 ounces of dark chocolate every day, his blood pressure decreased significantly.

6. Tea

Tea-known as an effective antioxidant, but it teas also can reduce the risk of hypertension or stroke. Regular tea consumption and the balance can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

7. Consumption of foods rich in potassium

This mineral can minimize the effects of sodium, helps to control blood pressure. Sources of potassium include bananas, cantaloupe, melons, mushrooms, orange juice, peas, prunes, raisins, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes, as well as fat-free milk.

8. Eat a banana

The fruit is often consumed to treat hypertension is a banana. In general, the nutrients contained in each fruit ripe bananas are as follows: calories 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 25.8 mg carbohydrates, 1.7 grams fiber, 8 grams of calcium, phosphorus 28 mg , iron 0.5 mg and 44 RE vitamin A, vitamin B 0.08 mg, 3 mg of vitamin C and 72 grams of water. The content of banana fruit above is considered good enough to treat hypertension.

9. Consumption of vegetables

As fruits, vegetables also contain lots of vitamins and phytochemicals and fiber. Vegetables that can be used for the prevention of hypertension is like celery, onions and other green vegetables. Garlic for example, can lower high blood pressure and lower cholesterol, thanks to a compound called ajone, are compounds which in addition to lowering hypertension as well as prevention of blood clotting.

The Chinese have long used celery juice for high blood pressure. Drink 2-3 glasses of celery juice daily can prevent high blood pressure or blood pressure returned to normal levels. In addition, celery is also good for people with gout.

10. Consumption of soy

A U.S. study showed that soy-rich diet lowers blood pressure by 10%. In women in the study are known, for their blood pressure (systolic) decreased by 10% and lower (diastolic) by 7%. In women with normal blood pressure, a decrease of 5% 3% systolic and diastolic.

If you suffer from hypertension, replacing animal protein with soy-based foods such as tofu, tempeh and soy milk can help you manage your blood pressure.

Foods to Avoid

Apart from some natural ways suggested above, here are some foods and beverages should be avoided by people with hypertension.

1. Pickles

Pickles are low in calories is good for the body, but it has a high sodium content. The fruit can be pickled cucumber contains 570 mg of sodium. This is equivalent to one third of the maximum amount of sodium per day (2,300 mg).

2. French fries

Although some restaurants fry with trans fat-free oil, fat and sodium content is still high. Presentation of a medium-size French fries contains 270 mg sodium and 19 grams of fat.

3. Bacon

Three slices of bacon contains 270 mg sodium and 4.5 grams of fat meat birds can be an alternative instead of bacon.

4. Milk

Milk is a source of calcium, but high in fat. In a glass of milk contains 8 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated fat. Saturated fats are not good for people with liver and harmful to people with high blood pressure.

5. Donut

A donut is able to produce 200 calories with 12 grams of fat.

6. Instant noodles

Easy to make and taste delicious. But a packet of instant noodles contains 14 grams of fat and 1.580 sodium.

7. Margarine

For people with high blood pressure, they must ensure that the margarine does not contain saturated fat consumed. Read the packaging to make sure.

8. Sugar

Foods with extra calories and high sugar content should also be avoided. Examples are cookies and chocolate bars. Both can lead to obesity. These foods could potentially suffer from high blood pressure. Being overweight makes a lot of blockages in the heart and slowing of blood.

9. Alcohol

Consuming alcohol can increase high blood pressure. In addition, alcohol also damages blood vessel walls.

10. Red meat

The composition of a healthful diet should include low saturated fat. For people with high blood pressure, avoid red meat.

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