Thursday, September 22, 2011

Four Types of Anger Relief Food

There's a saying that the nation is a nation of grumpy people hungry. Apparently the phrase is scientifically proven, that the hungry are easily incensed.

Hunger usually begins with the sound 'rumbling' in the stomach, continues with a limp and exhausted. Some people who are hungry also suffer from headaches, blurred vision, confusion and dizziness. Furthermore, the hunger will make people really bad-tempered, irritable and cranky.

Why hunger makes people irritable?

Anger is an emotional state caused by a complaint or an affliction. People get angry because other people, because there are events or for himself.

LIVESTRONG Launched on Thursday (12/02/2010), hunger was sparked anger. This is because when people are left hungry for long periods, then the blood sugar levels in her body deeply troubled.

As a result, the supply of glucose (sugar) that reaches the brain is reduced. In the blood, glucose is sent also to the brain as a source of energy, among others, are useful for controlling temperament and other negative emotions.

Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia is what will make one's anger rises, so easily offended and angry. Low blood sugar can also be accompanied by anxiety, fatigue and headaches.

When low levels of serotonin in the body can also make people irritable and angry. Serotonin is a hormone that controls mood, appetite and sleep, is also a hormone that makes people feel happy and eliminate negative emotions.

Serotonin is synthesized in the body with the aid of an amino acid called tryptophan. Importantly, tryptophan is not formed in the body and must be supplied by food. Thus, adding the daily menu with foods rich in essential amino acids are very important.

Many nutritionists around the world also recommended to overcome anger with foods containing glucose or mood-enhancing foods to prevent hunger. Diets rich in protein, fat and fiber will help prevent hunger.

Here are some foods that can appease the anger:

1. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of tryptophan and helps increase levels of serotonin in the body. Breakfast bananas may prevent you from experiencing hunger and lethargy before lunch. Also, bananas are also rich in carbohydrates are necessary for the absorption of tryptophan.

2. Almonds

Almonds contain lots of amino acid tryptophan. These beans are present in the list of foods that have the highest levels of amino acids. When eating almonds, tryptophan enters the brain quickly and serotonin levels increase, so they can keep anger.

3. Cheese

Cheese is a rich source of protein, essential amino acid tryptophan and carbohydrates. Thus, cheese helps improve mood and relieve crankiness and irritability.

4. Sweet orange juice

A glass of sweet oranges can also be a shock to anger. Sugar in the lemon juice mixture to make the limits of patience more loosely than they should, making it useful for controlling temperament and other negative emotions.

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