Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Changes in Male Sexuality

As the aging process, the ability seksualitasi will also decrease. The ability to maintain an active sex to old age depends only on a few factors, namely physical and mental health, and the existence of active and attractive couple. Changes in behavior sekspada man entering old age include decreased response to erotic orgasm, premature ejaculation, and pain in the genitals when masturbating.

Some of the changes in sexuality that occur in elderly men are:

Testosterone production gradually decreased. This decline may also reduce the desire and welfare. Testes become smaller and less productive. Tubular testes will thicken and degenerate. This change will reduce the process of spermatogenesis, with a decrease in the number of sperm but does not affect the ability to fertilize an ovum

The prostate gland is usually enlarged, benign prostate hypertrophy which occurs in 50% of men over the age of 40 years and 90% of men over the age of 80 years. Benign prostatic hypertrophy and requires therapy. However this is discussed further in the discussion of urinary tract system.

Penggairahan phase of sexual response in particular, become slow and perfect erection may also be delayed. Elevation of the testicles and scrotum sac vasokongesti reduced, reducing the intensity and duration of stress on the muscles as well as conscious and unconscious erections may be less rigid and rely on the corner than in a younger age. And also required direct stimulation to the genitals to induce a response. Penggairahan leveling phase will continue for a longer period before reaching osrgasme and generally spending less pre-ejaculate does not even happen.

Phase orgasm, with ejaculation shorter unnoticed. The intensity of the sensation of orgasm is reduced and the pressure and the amount of fluid ejaculated sperm is reduced. Leakage of fluid ejaculation ejaculation without sensation sometimes felt in the elderly man called early or premature ejaculation and is the result of a lack of control associated with myotonia and vasokongesti, as well as elongated refractory period in elderly men. Including reduced frequency of physical erection during sleep.

Decreased muscle tone causing spasms in the external genital organs are not uncommon. Kontaksi frequency decreased anal sphincter during orgasm.

Ability erection after ejaculation getting longer, generally 12 to 48 hours after ejaculation. This is different in younger people who only need a few minutes.

Morning erections (morning erection) are also increasingly rare. This seems related to the decline in sexual potency. Therefore, rare or frequent erections in the morning can be a reliable measure of a man's sexual potency. Research Kinsey, et al found that the frequency of morning erections per week on average 2.05 at age 31-35 years and this decline at the age of 70 years to 0.50 per week.

Nevertheless, based on research, many groups still run the older age of sexual activity until sufficient information, and activities are only limited by health status.

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3 komentar:

Unknown said...

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