Saturday, October 1, 2011

Foods to Eliminate Body Odor

The body produces sweat from apocrine glands and ekrin. Ekrin glands produce most of the 'salty sweat' that cools the body. Mayo Clinic noted that the body odor caused by apocrine glands, the sweat of fat in areas with abundant hair, like scalp, armpits and groin.

Many ways people do to reduce the odor that comes out of his body. Start by using talcum powder, deodorant until alum. Although sweat does not smell, the smell of sweat is often associated with "sour-bitter" is. It's not entirely true, but when the smell of sweaty bodies burst. This is caused by glands eccerine and aprocine. Both glands are stimulated by reacting to heat, stress, emotion, and increased blood pressure.

The simplest way of eliminating the unpleasant odor is to bathe regularly. In some cases, despite diligent shower, still a person suffers from an unpleasant body odor that.

For those of you who have problems like this, traditional ingredients derived from herbs from our forebears below can be tried.

1. Betel leaf (Piper betle)

Betel leaf has long been known efficacious as an antiseptic is also known to contain active substances that can eliminate body odor. Betel known potent eliminate body odor caused mainly bacteria or fungi. Chemical content of essential oils in a betel leaf, among others kadinen, kavikol, sineol, eugenol, karvakol and tanning substances.

To eliminate body odor, one way is to soak a few betel leaves in hot water. Once cool, the water was drunk. Can be added to taste white sugar to taste. Another way is to smooth the betel leaf with lime and then applied to the armpit.

2. Leaves “Beluntas” (Pluchea indica)

Plants that are commonly used as living fences has a characteristic unpleasant smell and bitter taste. Leaves and flowers contain alkali which acts as an antiseptic. Chemical content such as amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine), fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and C.

To eliminate body odor, usually eaten raw beluntas leaves or steamed first. Beluntas that has been boiled leaves are also delicious eaten as an ointment (vegetables with spiced grated coconut).

If accustomed to eating the leaves beluntas, body odor will disappear. In addition, bad breath even less odor will disappear. For those who do not like, can by drinking boiled water leaves every morning and evening. Beluntas also beneficial lowering body temperature to cool the body so much sweat that comes out and the body temperature to drop.

3. Basil Leaf (Ocimun balisicum)

Active substances contained in the basil leaves also serve as an antiseptic. To get advantage of this leaf is also used as a salad of raw vegetables or as an ointment which is also raw. Basil leaves also contain substances that can increase appetite. For women who are menstruating, if you eat basil leaves roughly one cell in the morning and afternoon during the period will avoid the unpleasant smell that often befall women menstruation.

4. Wild Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)

Substances contained in ginger are sapomin, flavoinoida and essential oils to eliminate body odor. The trick is to drink a decoction of the rhizome of ginger finely chopped.

Ginger juice that has been shredded with a little honey can also be taken to eliminate the offensive odor that comes out of the body. In addition, grated ginger can also be massaged into the entire body, and left to dry before cleaning to get maximum results.

5. Flowers “kecombrang” (Nicolaia speciosa)

Active substances contained in it which can eliminate body odor is sapomin, flavoinoida and polyphenols. Kecombrang can be used to cook the young leaves and flowers are eaten as a friend to eat rice. In certain areas commonly cooked as a vegetable kecombrang lodeh.

6. Purut orange (Citrus bystrix)

Her skin contains essential oils that smell nice. Kaffir lime can be used to eliminate body odor by drinking juice mixed with a kaffir lime skin kencur mashed together with enough water.

7. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia)

Lime juice mixed with a little whiting and rubbed to a specific section such as underarm body odor is believed to expel is not good.

8. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Many Indians believe that if taking ginger can make them smell sweet.

According to Chao Ching Pen of the Emperor Shen Nong (3000 BC), fresh ginger can eliminate body odor and brought it to the spiritual aura. Wedang ginger if consumed regularly can be very helpful to overcome the problem of body odor.

9. Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)

One fruit of young cucumber peeled and rubbed on the body and foul up repeatedly after bathing.

10. Clove (Eugenia aromatica)

Some clove bud soaked so it expands and then the water was drunk. Water boiled some clove bud with brown sugar, can also be refreshments and warm in times of rain.

Three Types of Food

Sweat function removes toxins from the body, including those generated through the food you eat, which can develop odors when in contact with the bacteria on the skin. Changing diet can help the body odor.

The following three types of food can also help eliminate body odor :

1. White meat

Eating white meat like chicken and fish instead of red meat (beef or lamb), can reduce body odor. A study published in the journal Chemical Senses in 2006 concluded that eating red meat can have negative effects on body odor.

2. Vegetable

Oregon State University stated that fishy odor associated with eating foods that contain high levels of choline. Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine recommends that men consume no more than 550 mg of choline per day and women no more than 425 mg per day.

Vegetables are generally low choline and eat a diet rich in vegetables, cooked or fresh (uncooked) can help reduce body odor. Vegetables that contain the lowest amount of choline include kale, carrots, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce and cabbage.

3. Fruit

Fruit is another example of a low-choline diet and can help eliminate body odor. Apples, strawberries, pears, orange juice, grape juice, pineapple, banana, blueberries and watermelon contain some of the lowest levels of choline.

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