Saturday, October 1, 2011

Eight Conditions Where You Need More Vitamin D

In the body, vitamin D can form the structure of bones and teeth strong. In addition, vitamin D also can strengthen the immune system and prevent various types of cancer. If there is deficiency of vitamin D, your body will experience a variety of diseases, including osteoporosis, osteopenia, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, and cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency is a known risk factor for disease rickets, a disease commonly occurs in infants and children and lead to disturbed bone metabolism, so that the abnormal bone growth. The disease is usually characterized by a crooked bone in his foot that is shaped like the letter O.

Vitamin D is the only type of vitamin is produced by the body. When exposed to sunlight, 7-dehidrokolesterol precursor compound is converted into a compound cholecalciferol. Induction is mainly caused by ultraviolet B (UVB). At a later stage, cholecalciferol compounds will be converted into compounds kalsitrol which is the active form of vitamin D in the body. Kalsitrol itself was produced in the kidneys which will then be circulated to the body parts in need, especially in the organs of bone and teeth.

Most vitamin D is made by the body as a natural waste products from skin exposed to sunlight. You need sunlight for at least 10 minutes a day if in the summer and the weather is really bright, if during the rainy season you will need about 2 hours in a day to meet the need for Vitamin D.

Vitamin D can also be found in fish liver oils, eggs and fatty fish like salmon, herring and mackerel, or obtained as a supplement.

Here are some things that could be a reason for you to increase your intake of Vitamin D:

1. You Entering The Elderly

At the time of entering the elderly age, the body's ability to produce Vitamin D is only half of his ability at a young age. To meet the need of vitamin D you need to intake more.

Absorption of sunlight is essential for the production of Vitamin D, decreased with the process of degeneration of the skin in the elderly. This decrease can be up to 75% than in the younger age, especially if you live in a place that gets little sunlight, or you wear clothing that is very closed.

2. Your Little Sunlight Exposure

People are a lot of activity in the house or people who are sick with trouble moving or parents who live in nursing homes may be very rarely or never exposed to sunlight.

Women with darker skin color, that covered her body with clothes on the grounds of religion or culture, as well as those living in northern areas during winter, have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency

3. You Have Heart Disease Cholestasis

Cholestatic liver disease is the reduction or cessation of bile flow. Impaired bile flow could occur along the pathway between the cells of the liver and duodenum.

Reduced bile in the intestine, also led to reduced absorption of calcium and vitamin D. If cholestasis persists, calcium and vitamin D deficiency will cause bone loss, which causes bone pain and fractures.

4. You Have Kidney Disease

Kidney is an important part to help the body use vitamin D. Vitamin D comes from two sources in humans. This could be the sun's ultraviolet B radiation or absorbed from food.

Kidneys have an important role in making vitamin D is useful for the body. The kidneys convert vitamin D from food or sunlight to the active form of vitamin D needed by the body. With chronic kidney disease, low levels of vitamin D can be found, even very low. This may occur due to kidney injury, so less able to convert vitamin D into the active form.

5. You are a Vegetarian

Foods that contain lots of good vitamin D include milk, fish oils, eggs, and cheese. If you do not consume foods of animal origin, then very little intake of vitamin D you get from plant foods daily. If you are not taking supplements to increase intake of vitamin D, then you may experience a deficiency of vitamin D.

6. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnant and lactating mothers share food with the baby, if the mother does not increase the daily food menu from the menu before her pregnancy, the possibility could arise deficiency importance of nutrition elements. This can endanger the mother and baby.

Mothers who gave exclusive breast milk to her child it is essential to increase vitamin D intake, either through dietary sources like milk, fish oils, eggs, and cheese. Vitamin D is one important nutrient, especially during pregnancy and infant health in general. Deficiency of vitamin D in infancy is associated with increased respiratory infections.

7. Obesity

The study concluded that having a higher weight than normal, body fat and high BMI was associated with the absorption of vitamin D a little more. 'Sunshine vitamin' that was initially absorbed to be converted into a usable form, called 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D. But a lot of fat that accumulates in the body can disrupt the process.

8. Aperitif

Long-term research shows people who like drinking alcohol, especially since the age of adolescents at high risk of bone loss in old age.

When you consume alcohol excessively, about 2-3 ounces of alcohol per day, resulting in the stomach is unable to absorb calcium optimally. Alcohol interferes with the pancreas and the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Alcohol also affects the liver is very important to activate vitamin D.

If you begin to stop drinking alcohol, the process of bone repair can run fast again. Research shows brittle bones can be repaired so addicted to alcohol cure.

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