In reaching that perfect health we have been exercising regularly and maintaining a good nutritional balance. But many of sudden death from heart attack to attack the athletes or people who we know to be true to maintain health. As if we woke up there was one missing link in our efforts to maintain health.
In order to celebrate the heart of the world that fell on 29 September I wrote an article about heart health and sleep. Maybe sleep hygiene is the chain we want to fill out for the sake of health.
Modern medical world is now familiar with the term the Triumvirate of Health, which means the three main components of health. The three are: physical fitness, balance, nutrition and healthy sleep. Sport and keep the food menu is not enough.
Sleep is often interpreted as non-active period of life. But do not misunderstand me, sleep occurs in the process of the active phases of life. This is why many societies in the world of sleep medicine specialists use the yin-yang symbol as the basic logo. This is to show the philosophy of sleep medicine which views the balance between wakefulness and sleep. The period of sleep is important for human quality in time awake. So sleep is important for health practitioners to assess the quality of life of sleep health.
William Dement, the father of sleep medicine, stated that more easily assess a person's health by observing sleep patterns compared to assess the pattern of nutrition or exercise regime.
Sleep is not the safe, where nothing bad can happen during sleep. The world of medicine in the past were thought so. During sleep the patient appeared calm and away from pain. Though they are not. Various diseases like high blood pressure and heart diseases, other blood vessels has been known to be associated with sleep.
High blood pressure in Indonesia continues to increase the number of sufferers. The World Bank also agrees an increase in spending on health care costs to treat hypertension is increasing in developing countries. Impact of disease high blood pressure too can not be underestimated. Hypertension is known can lead to coronary heart disease, heart muscle swelling to a stroke.
The sleep process itself has been long known to be associated with heart disease. Even early in the discovery of sleep apnea disease, stopping breathing during sleep, hypertension becomes the initial interest in sleep researchers.
First recognized the existence of people who are always sleepy, sluggish and sleep snoring. They are known as Pickwickian syndrome, character creation borrow Dickens Pickwick published in the newspaper. The researchers found that many of them also suffer from hypertension.
The group of researchers from Bologna was the first complete recording of sleep with sensors to record breathing. Finally discovered that people with Pickwickian syndrome underwent stopping breathing during sleep. Since then the known dangers of snoring called sleep apnea. And it turns out people with sleep apnea also have elevated blood pressure during sleep! Before the era of the 1980s study as stagnant due to lack of sleep apnea treatment. With the discovery of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for treatment of sleep apnea, sleep study re-excited.
Journal of the American Medical Association, in 2000 stated that 45% of hypertensive patients also suffer from sleep apnea. While the Journal of Hypertension next year states that 80% of hypertensive patients who are resistant to treatment was also suffering from sleep apnea. The next document is a guide JNC7 the administration of high blood pressure management to mention sleep apnea as a cause of hypertension should be diagnosed after a complete treatment.
Do not stop there. It's been countless medical journals that prove improvement in blood pressure after sleep apnea treated with CPAP. Call it the journal Heart, Chest, New England Journal of Medicine and many more.
Heart Health
Just like high blood pressure, heart health is closely related to sleep. A study in the medical journal SLEEP states sleep duration of the most healthy for the heart is 7 hours a day.
In that study noted that sleep less than 5 hours per day will increase the risk of heart attack, coronary heart disease and stroke by two-fold. Sleep debt a day or two would not help. While the slept nine hours every night also increases the risk of similar to 1.5-fold.
Although the exact mechanisms are not known, researchers speculate that short sleep duration and metabolic disorders associated with premature hardening of blood vessel walls.
Long sleep duration, is associated with excessive drowsiness. Excessive sleepiness or hypersomnia is one of the main signs of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is stopping breathing during sleep caused by airway narrowing during sleep. As a result, although the motion of breath persists, no air exchange takes place.
Various studies have also mentioned the close relationship between sleep apnea and cardiovascular diseases. Javaheri and colleagues in the journal Circulation in 1999 mentions 50% of patients with congestive heart trouble also suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. While patients with coronary heart disease 30% of them also suffer from sleep apnea, as mentioned in the journal Cardiology in the same year.
A study published in the journal SLEEP states that treatment for sleep apnea on heart health is very urgent. People with sleep apnea is not treated will have a 5-fold risk of dying from heart problems.
Treatment of sleep apnea, also will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 37% and the risk of stroke by 56%. Figures that can not be underestimated.
Sleep Apnea Treatment
Beginning with the diagnosis, sleep apnea requires examination in a sleep laboratory using a tool called polysomnography (PSG). Here sleep the patient will be recorded using a variety of sensors that record the functions of the body, from brain waves, heart rhythm, respiration until the sleeping position. From this examination of new unknown whether the patients suffered from sleep apnea or just plain snoring. But do not imagine the sleep laboratory as a place full of monitors and equipment are creepy. Sleep laboratory on the contrary, designed as comfortable as possible to sleep on.
After diagnosis, the primary treatment of sleep apnea is the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Patients will be past the CPAP trial program for convenient use and efficient. Another treatment is by surgery or oral use of assistive devices made by dentists.
Sleep has a reciprocal relationship with the health and quality of human life. Improving sleep hygiene, will certainly improve the quality of life and our health. Healthy heart and blood vessels are also closely associated with sleep.
It's time for Indonesia to pay more attention to sleep hygiene. Medical services must also be more sensitive about the health of the patient asleep when dealing with cases of heart disease and blood vessels. The public must also be more health conscious sleep. When dealing with doctors, other than telling complaint disease, also goes to sleep habits.
And the final word: warn relatives who snores, you saved his life.
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