Indeed, drinking coffee has become the habit of many people in various countries since time immemorial habit once and likely will continue. Maybe we just need to be careful so as to minimize the risk of health problems that may arise due to the habit of drinking coffee. Here is the habit of drinking coffee is bad for your health at risk, hope you beware.
Coffee + Fastfood
Fast food (fast food) is known to be good for health. But if someone is eating fast food coupled with a combination of coffee then it will be very bad for health.
Researcher Marie-Soleil Beaudoin of the University of Guelph, Canada found that consumption of fast food high in fat will improve blood sugar levels. But this increase could be doubled if afterwards followed by consuming caffeinated coffee.
"These results tell us that saturated fats interfere with the body's ability to cleanse the blood sugar. When combined with the effects of caffeinated coffee could have been worse," Beaudoin said, as quoted from Health24, Monday (04/04/2011).
Beaudoin revealed a sugar that is too long in the blood is a condition that is not healthy and can affect other organs. Beaudoin conduct this study along with Professor Terry Robinson and Lindsay Graham.
This study is the first to discover the influence of saturated fat and caffeinated coffee on blood sugar levels. Known to spike blood sugar levels that appear up to 65 percent and on a level with those at risk of developing diabetes. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Nutrition.
"The effect is caused can last up to many hours. What you eat during the day could have an impact on how the body respond to food in the future," said Beaudoin.
In addition the researchers also looked at gastrointestinal effects by measuring levels of the hormone incretin, a hormone secreted by the gut after eating fat. This hormone will be the signal for the pancreas to release insulin that helps clean the sugar in the blood.
"We found that fatty and caffeinated coffee could damage the communication between the intestine and pancreas. This condition causes a person's blood sugar levels after eating a high fat and caffeine," he said.
The results of this study becomes very important for people at risk for metabolic disease and type 2 diabetes. Therefore people with or at risk of type 2 diabetes should limit caffeine consumption.
In addition one should limit intake of saturated fats found in red meat, processed foods and fast foods and replace with non caffeinated drink.
Coffee + Supplements
Have a habit of drinking coffee in the morning along with supplements like vitamins and minerals? Should leave the habit, because drinking coffee and supplements together will affect the absorption of minerals and vitamins contained in the supplement.
Drinking coffee with caffeine will make a person urinate frequently. If done in conjunction with the consumption of supplements will make some important nutrients go wasted. Another problem that arises, there is the possibility of minerals and vitamins are involved reacting to the caffeine in coffee.
Therefore a person should give the distance of time so that the absorption is not disturbed, as quoted from Healthmad, Wednesday (02/03/2011).
Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium phosphate is a type of mineral that rapidly wasted. Besides caffeine also inhibits the absorption of iron, vitamins A and B.
Minerals have an important function for the body such as:
1. Calcium is essential for the development of bones and teeth of good strength, muscle contraction, and some functions ssaraf
2. Magnesium is needed to convert food into energy products as well as keeping the teeth, bones and muscles strong
3. Sodium is needed in sufficient quantities to help maintain the body's water content at a normal level
4. potassium is needed to maintain the body's cells with good especially the heart muscle
5. Iron is an essential substance required for the production and function of red blood cells, muscles and immune system.
If you must drink coffee and taking supplements in the morning, then one can work around that vitamins and minerals that is consumed can be absorbed well by the body.
Try to consume caffeine on the sidelines of a meal, but not before or after a meal. A person can drink coffee between breakfast and lunch time, thus providing time for the body to absorb nutrients from food consumed before the caffeine enters the body.
Someone should take supplements with plain water, so the vitamins and minerals contained in supplements do not come to react to the content in drinks.
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