Tempe, the Tempe found the first reference in 1875. Even in the manuscripts have been found Centini fiber tempe said.
This suggests that this traditional food has been known since many centuries ago, especially in order to eat the Javanese culture, particularly in Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Several studies have been conducted by researchers both within and outside the country, to say the results are all very positive and something that needs to be considered tempeh factored into the adequacy of nutritional intake for human health.
Tempe efficacy has been demonstrated by Van Veen, a researcher from the Netherlands, the research done in the early 1940s, to World War II prisoners in the jail area of Java Island, revealed that the tempe proved able to overcome dysentery suffered by the detainees. Some experts also argue that the ordinary people who consume tempeh, less frequent or less susceptible to the disease attacks the digestive tract.
While other studies have shown, giving tempe menu to patients who have high cholesterol, can lower cholesterol levels to normal levels. Apparently this is due to the origin of tempeh itself derived from soybeans.
Furthermore, the study concluded the ASEAN Institute of Nutrition, tempeh can be used in the manufacture of food ingredients mixed to tackle shortage of calories, protein, and diarrheal diseases among children under five.
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Padjadjaran in Bandung, Prof.. DR. Dr. Achmad Biben, Sp-KEER OG., said that tempeh is cooked well and really very useful for improving the process of formation of bone cells and inhibit bone shrinkage. Eat tempeh regularly is an effort to prevent disruption of early remodeling (remodeling) bone.
In subsequent research, he came to the conclusion that is also contained in soybean lecithin which has superior properties as compared with body cell peremaja lecithin from other materials. In soy bean, lecithin content with other substances are compounds that are very high usefulness as an ageless medicine, reinforcing the bone, and enhance endurance.
One study also noted that soy is more difficult to contamination by aflatoxin than other agricultural commodities. Mentioned that the presence of substances, such as zinc in soybean, making aflatoxin synthesis is inhibited. Therefore, it is clear that food tempe safer than 'disorder' aflatoxin.
Efficacy tempeh to health no longer in doubt. Ie ranging from dysentery to overcome, to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, the risk of coronary heart disease, and as antianemia, antibiotics to cure the infection and antioxidant prevention of degenerative diseases, as well as many others. Soybeans, as the main ingredient tempeh, tempeh is why the powerful secrets to overcome various diseases.
Also mentioned, tempeh have properties such as accelerating the cessation of acute diarrhea of children, accelerated loss of blood leucocytes, and can promote weight loss and nutritional status. Therapeutic nutrition using a mixture of food given during diarrhea tempeh, at least not until three months after the diarrhea.
Consumers do not need to worry about aflatoxin, a carcinogenic substance in Tempe. Because the fungus that is used to make tempeh can reduce aflatoxin levels by 70%. These findings suggest that if there is aflatoxsin in Tempe, which was taken by raw materials, levels have been reduced by the presence of tempe fungi.
Nutritional content of tempeh is also able to compete with protein sources derived from other foodstuffs, such as meat, eggs and fish.
Interestingly, with relatively low calories, 149 cal per 100 grams, tempeh help people who are low-calorie diet. And with 12.7 grams of carbohydrates that tempeh is suitable for consumption because people with diabetes do not menandung sugar.
Tempe also contains superoxide desmutase that can inhibit cell damage and aging process. In a piece of tempeh contained many useful elements, such as carbohydrate, fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, enzymes, daidzein, genistein and the anti-bacterial components.
Isoflavone content of active substances, in particular daidzein, genistein, isoflavones and type 2 can bind to estrogen receptors in the body, can bind to estrogen receptors denagn in the body, may reduce complaints psikovasomotor particularly hot flashes or pounding in the chest experienced by women entering menopause.
Even so, the efficacy of tempeh for menopausal women is dependent on the processing process. Better if the tempe disemur, disup, dibacem, or dipepes, rather than fried. How to cook like that make tempeh efficacy only slightly decreased compared to when fried.
Some literature also mentions, people usually consume tempeh, rare gastrointestinal disease due to fiber content (fiber diety) to reach 7.2 grams per 100 grams. Tempe including food ingredients that contain vitamin B complex, including vitamin B-12 that serves for the formation of red blood grains. (Jihan F Labetubun)
Soybeans as raw materials also contain lecithin Tempe HPF (highly purified fraction), a kind of soy lecithin with fosfatidikolin optimal levels (70-75 percent), and contain essential fatty acids, which can increase vitality and rejuvenate the body's cells.
Lecithin can be produced from animal and vegetable food, and 88-year-old researcher wants to make sure lecithin which is superior. The point is to lecithin which can serve as peremaja body cells, thus increasing its vitality. This vegetable lecithin is superior.
Furthermore, compared with soybeans, there are some things that benefit in Tempe. Chemically it can be seen from the increased levels of dissolved solids, dissolved nitrogen, free amino acids, free fatty acids, the digestibility, protein efficiency values, as well as the score of the protein.
In the Tempe also found a substance in the form of antioxidant isoflavones. Like vitamins C, E, and carotenoids, isoflavones also an antioxidant that is needed by the body to stop the reaction of free radical formation.
Free radicals are atoms or molecules that have one or more unpaired electrons, so it is very reactive and can cause tumors, cancer, aging, and cell death. Free radicals can be derived from everyday foods we eat or reactions that occur in the body. The presence of antioxidants in the diet will prevent the formation of free radicals.
In soybeans there are three types of isoflavones, daidzein namely, glisitein, and genistein. In Tempe, in addition to the three types of isoflavones are also contained an antioxidant factor II (6,7,4 trihydroxy isoflavone), which has the most powerful antioxidant properties than the isoflavones in soy.
These antioxidants are synthesized at the time the process soybeans into tempeh fermentation by the bacteria Micrococcus luteus and Coreyne bacterium.
Research conducted at the University of North Carolina, United States, found that genestein and phytoestrogens found in tempeh was able to prevent prostate and breast cancer.
Aging (aging) is a process that normally occurs in the body. The aging process is influenced by various factors, namely nutrition, free radicals, immune system, and so on. The aging process can be inhibited if the food consumed daily contains enough antioxidants.
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