Saturday, September 10, 2011

Father Stress Can Affect Fetal

Many sources say only the mother's condition that affects the condition of a fetus.But you know a new study has examined the effects of paternal and found that fathers exposed to chronic stress can lower the stress behavior to their offspring.

After tracing the paternal transmission of stress, this study reveals that the decline in behavior that may occur, but through a very complicated process. The risk ofdeveloping depression in children is largely influenced by environment andgenetics.

The interaction of these two factors is quite complicated, but in reality, there is a third factor that is epigenetics. Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York,
who uses mice as experimental animals found that behavioral changeoccurs only in offspring produced through natural reproduction and not ongenerated through in vitro fertilization or IVF.

Lead researcher Dr. Eric Nestler states, "The findings in mice this increases thepotential that an individual's risk for experiencing depression or stress can be determined by genetic factors, including his father." The study is published in the September issue of Biological Psychiatry, Elsevier 2011.

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