Thursday, September 29, 2011

Development of Baby Ages 0-12 Months

Many parents are wondering: "whether the development of my baby normal?". Every baby develops at their own pace. However, it does not mean there is no generally accepted pattern of development. Little difference in speed of development is common. If the difference is quite large, perhaps there is something wrong with your baby. Here is a general pattern of development of infants in the first 12 months which may become a benchmark for your baby:

Ages 0-1 months
All activities are still walking baby instinctively or reflex. Although babies can see, hear, smell, touch, and feel, he has not understood its meaning. The first communication skills learned are crying. That is the only form of communication with the outside world.

Age 2 months
Although the baby still move reflexively, self-consciousness begins to form. Babies are now beginning to do some voluntary action. At this age, babies are automatically clench her fingers and was surprised by a sudden loud noise. He can tilt the head in a few seconds and a voice saying "oooh" and "aaah". He could smile and follow the caregiver's face with his eyes until the maximum angle of 90 °. Although he was able to hold his head, he could not keep it stable. When picked up, your baby should be sustained head.

Age 3 months
Your baby is gradually taking over control of her body and only occasionally clenched his fists. Now he can grasp objects with his hands active. He can tilt your head when lying down and hold it for a while. His head had been able to guard him with a steady and his eyes can follow the motion of bodies in all directions. He knows your voice, your smile and respond with sound.

Age 4 months
Your baby can smile and laugh spontaneously. He can turn himself from the supine to the prone position. He began to support the weight on the foot so it can sometimes be seen doing "push-ups". He can move objects from one hand to the other and start talking.

Age 5 months
Your baby can recognize colors and play with hands and feet. She probably already knows his name so that react when called upon. Some babies can sit up for a while.

Age 6 months
Your baby will look toward the sound and started to imitate voices. Most of the baby can roll onto the two sides. Some babies are sitting stable at this age.

Age 7 months
Most babies can sit stable. Some babies are able to crawl. He will stick his arms to you if you want to be appointed. She likes to put everything in her mouth.

Age 8 months
Your baby talk is more structured, such as "ba-ba" and "da-da", but there is no meaning. Some babies are able to stand by holding on to something.

Age 9 months
Most babies are able to pick ourselves up from a sitting to standing by holding. He was eating with his hands and drank from the cup with your help.

Age 10 months
Your baby can wave his hand for "bye" and picking up objects with her fingers clasp. Skills crawled it was perfect (the stomach does not touch the floor). Your baby may have to call the father-mother, "mama" or "dada" correctly.

Age 11 months
Your baby is able to convey the desire to sign. He also understands some simple commands such as drinking or surrender dot spoon. Some babies are able to walk with assistance and speak a few meaningful words.

Age 12 months
Most babies are able to speak simple or walk. If he develops speaking skills first, then the ability goes left. Conversely, if he could run the first lag speaking skills. Baby girls are usually first develops speaking skills, but not all of them so.

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