Thursday, September 29, 2011

5 Steps to Cleaning the Mouth and Teeth

Oral hygiene and bad teeth not only cause bad breath, tooth decay and gingivitis, but also increases the risk of heart disease and other health problems. Maintaining oral hygiene and dental health is a window into life as more than 90% of material entering your body through your mouth.

Five steps can ensure your oral hygiene:

1. Brushing teeth
The main key dental hygiene is brushing teeth properly on a regular basis. Here is the correct way of brushing your teeth:

Place the brush at an angle of 45 ° against the gums.
Apply a light brushing motion from right to left and vice versa.
Do the same on the inside and the outside of the tooth.
Brush the surface of the molar teeth that you use to chew.
Brush the inside of the front teeth vertically and light with a movement up and down.
Brush at least twice a day and if possible after a meal.
Brushing your teeth for at least three minutes.
Do not brush your teeth immediately after eating acidic foods or beverages. The combined effect of acid and brushing can erode tooth enamel.
2. Gargling with antiseptic
You can refine rinse using a toothbrush with an antiseptic solution to kill bacteria that cause plaque in places that are not affordable gear.

3. Cleaning between the teeth
You also need to ensure kebersihkan the sidelines between the teeth with interdental cleaning. Depending on the size of the space between the teeth, the following treatments can be performed:

Dental floss. Dental floss is the best way to clean the space between the teeth. Waxed dental floss (waxed floss) is a convenient tool for better glide and less frayed. Take a piece of dental floss (approximately 40 cm), hold it tightly between the fingers of both hands and clean the space between the teeth to move up and down. Use of dental floss may require several sessions.
Toothpicks. A good toothpicks made of wood and has a tapered shape that fits in the space between the teeth. Put a toothpick perpendicular teeth as much as possible on the sidelines between the teeth where there is dirt stuck. Remove dirt with a toothpick.
Brush between the teeth. Brush between the teeth are smaller-headed brushes are ideal for large spaces between teeth and between the teeth and braces that are difficult to clean with ordinary toothbrush. The use of brush between the teeth do not replace the need to brush your teeth, but in addition to your dental hygiene routine.
4. Chewing gum.
The use of sugar-free gum can be beneficial for your dental health. Chewing gum can clean your teeth as candy usually contains useful sweetener xylitol inhibits the development of streptococcal bacteria thus reducing tooth decay and plaque. In addition, the activities of chewing also stimulates saliva production which is a natural protection against tooth decay.

5. Brushing the tongue
Cleaning the tongue with a toothbrush or tongue scrapers remove the buildup of bacteria, food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. Bacteria and fungi that grow on the tongue associated with common oral problems. In addition, bacterial decay produces sulfur compounds in the back of the tongue that cause bad breath.

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