Monday, August 8, 2011

Four Causes Eating Difficulties in Children

Problem of feeding difficulties in young children's behavior is a problem only complains of the most common and frequently complained of by the mothers. Actually, this disorder can easily be prevented and treated only by changing the environment around the child. It is commonplace is not uncommon to invite anxious parents.

Lots of things can cause difficulty eating in children, among other causes that may come from within his own body, from food and the environment.

1. Child

State originating from the body, eg due to personal characteristics of the child. As we all know every child has a preference for their own food. Most children love the sweet, others prefer the salty, there are children who enjoyed the meat, but others more fond of vegetables, and others.

But how each child was actually born with enough appetite. Instinctively they would take something that is necessary for the sustainability of the growth of her child.

Ego growth also affects the level of child's appetite. In children aged 2-3 years negativitik properties have become almost common trait in children. At this age children often reject the food provided to him. For example, children 6-9 months of age often refuse milk. The situation occurs in children who received solid foods for the first time or the child who gets the milk exceeds than the number of children desired.

2. Disease

Disease or when a child is sick usually affects a child's appetite. Diseases that affect appetite generally abnormalities in the mouth such as thrush, tonsillitis and the pain of growing new teeth. Tuberculosis, diarrhea, fever, severe malnutrition, as well as several other diseases, may also cause decreased appetite children.

Unhappiness or feeling jealous of her sister, who is actually normal in children aged about 9 months to 3 years, also play a role in lowering the child's appetite.

Diseases or conditions that underlie these disorders appetite must be removed first, so that the child back to eating as usual.

3. Food

Dietary factors such as color, smell, shape and taste of food also greatly affect the child's appetite. Children tend to be attracted to such a unique form of food, food colors are striking and taste the sweet and sour foods. Necessary prudence of the parents of today will be snacks that are made to attract children, but sometimes contain harmful additives such as dyes and preservatives.

Acquired new food the child will cause more problems, such as the first solid foods to infants.

4. Environment

Other factors that cause difficulty eating in children is the environment. For example families will persuade, give gifts, scolding, or force if the child does not want to eat. If this takes place it will continue to be a kind of habit and can affect the way children eat, which tends to be difficult.

Around the home and school environments where there are snacks that draw children's hearts, can also affect the diet of children. Frequent snacks and a glut types of snacks will lower a child's appetite, it is feared could reduce the intake of nutrition for the child.

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