Thursday, August 11, 2011

Beware of Infectious Diseases 8 on Your Toddler

When children, especially toddlers, your pain must have been very worried about your feelings, especially if you are husband and wife were alone, away from parents or in-laws. If you recognize the symptoms of pain experienced gelaja the child, perhaps this will make you be a little quieter, at least you can take steps with a fast and precise handling.

Endurance that are still vulnerable and diverse environmental conditions play a child can be the cause of infectious disease. Pain can not be avoided by anyone.

There are several types of disease attacked only once, after the child is ill and recovered, then he will be immune to penyaakit earlier, as red cheek syndrome. Each time the child is sick, his immune system will get stronger, so you need not worry.

However, it is very good if you read the right advice to help your child face the bad times, when he contracted the disease. Hopefully this can help you identify common symptoms of diseases that are commonly faced by children - and help him recover as well, of course.

1. Roseola infatum

Infantum Roseola is a contagious viral disease in infants or children are very young, which causes rashes and high fever. Roseola usually affects children aged 6 months - 3 years.

The cause is herpes virus type 6 and 7. The virus is spread through saliva splashes sufferers. The incubation period (time from infection to onset of symptoms began) is about 5-15 days. This disease usually lasts for 1 week.

Fever arise suddenly, reaching 39.4 to 40.6 ° Celsius and lasts for 3-5 days. Despite high fever, but the child remained conscious and active. At the start of high body temperature, 5-10% of patients experienced febrile seizures (seizures caused by high fever).

Can occur swollen lymph nodes in the back of the head, neck next to the side and behind the ears. Also slightly enlarged spleen. On the fourth day, fever usually begins to fall.

About 30% of children have a rash (redness in the skin), which leveled off and stand out, especially in the chest and abdomen and sometimes spreads to the face, arms and legs. The rash is not itchy and lasts for several hours to 2 days.

Keep the kids plenty of rest. Lower the special baby fever with paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging).

When the child's body temperature is very high, he may experience a febrile seizure (an attack can occur when a viral infection accompanied by high fever).

2. Red Cheek Syndrome (Parvovirus B19)

Parvovirus B19 is a virus that generally, and only upon men. Approximately half the adults must have been exposed as possible during childhood or adolescence.

It starts with fever and respiratory distress. Rashes, such as punch, appeared on both cheeks. After two to four days, the rash spreads to the body line, arms and legs. For several days before the rash appears, the disease is easily transmitted. The child is usually not too painful and the pain will improve within 7-10 days.

Give a special baby paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging) to reduce fever, or treat the itch. After the child recovers from parvovirus infection, usually he has immunity and subsequently protected from infection at a later date.

This disease can be problematic if chronic, it can lead to acute anemia. Avoid contact with children infected with parvovirus pregnant women because it can cause miscarriage.


There is no vaccine or medicine that prevents parvovirus B19 infection.
Frequent hand washing has been recommended as a practical and good to reduce the spread of parvovirus.
Alienate people who are exposed to from work, child care, schools or other centers do not tend to prevent the spread of parvovirus B19, because the sufferer can infect before gelegatanya arise.
Pregnant women need not be told to stay away from the workplace are exposed to Fifth Disease outbreak in connection with the foregoing. Whether in this case should stay away from first place of work is her own decision after mempertimbangkanya with families, physicians and employers.

3. Impetigo

Impetigo is a skin infection that often occurs in children, often called pyoderma. Impetigo typically affects children aged 2-5 years. The cause is a bacterium Staphylococcus aureus or hemolytic Streptococcus as well.

Impetigo consists of two types, namely:

Impetigo krustosa / kontagiosa (its lay terms, honey chicken pox) is a disorder that occurs around the nostrils and mouth. Characteristics, ie skin redness and blisters that rapidly break down, leaving a thick yellow scab like honey. When the scab is released, looks abrasion underneath.

Bullous impetigo / vesico bullous (fire monkey pox or measles) that often occurs in the armpits, chest, and back. Characteristics of redness in the skin and the bubbles (such as skin tersundut cigarettes until the fire is known as smallpox), containing pus that break easily. Smallpox is very contagious fire and move from one part to another part of the skin. If it occurs in newborns, the infection can spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. This disorder can be accompanied by fever and cause serious infections.

You'll find a pimple, small blisters around the nose and mouth or your child's ear, which will break up and harden to form a yellow-brown scab. This disease can be contagious when the blisters are crusted discharge and, until two days after treatment begins.

Oral antibiotics or antibiotic cream that my doctor prescribed.

Side effects are rare, but because the disease is contagious, this situation needs to be addressed immediately.

4. Chickenpox

Is a common disease in children. Chicken pox or chicken pox caused by Varicella zoster virus. This virus attacks the skin by forming sores (lesions) that contains fluid. Infection with this virus usually affects infants aged 9 months and older.

Chickenpox begins with an uncomfortable condition of the body, a rash and sometimes slightly increased body temperature (above 37 ° Celsius). After one or two days, the spots appear - red color and become blisters filled with water. Usually began to appear in the body, then spreads and dries into crust, which eventually dried up and peeling. Children infected since the start of one or two days before the rash appears, until all the spots dry up and flake off.

Usually you do not need to bring the child to the doctor, unless you are not sure whether your child had chicken pox or not, or your child very uncomfortable and fussy. Give it as much as possible a special baby fluids and paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging), to lower his body temperature. Bathing in lukewarm water with a little bicarbonate of soda may help relieve itching.

Or, wipe the spots with calamine lotion; when he awoke at night because of itching, antihistamines can also relieve symptoms (both available at pharmacies). Wear it loose clothing made of cotton and to temporarily remove her diaper to relieve itching.

Strive not to toddlers infected with other diseases, resulting in complications. For example, do not let toddlers play outside with friends and keep him from anything that can make a nodule-bintilnya rupture. If the rash broke out, the possibility of bacterial infection to be greater. If you have this, toddlers should be given antibiotics even sometimes need to be cared for in hospital.

In rare cases, chickenpox can lead to encephalitis (brain inflammation). If your child had chickenpox, make sure she had not been near a pregnant mother in the first half of pregnancy, and never had chickenpox before. Pregnant women who had chicken pox can be at risk of miscarriage or birth defects. Women who do not have immunity and will soon give birth are also at risk, because it could have the baby born with chickenpox.

Prevented by vaccination. To prevent the possibility of exposed or infected with chicken pox can be vaccinated. Even if exposed after vaccination, usually not to severe.

Vaccinations usually diberkan at the age of one year upwards. Because at this age your baby no longer have immunity from their mother. Power protection this vaccine can mancapai 97% and can be repeated at 5-year-old toddler.

5. Whooping cough

The disease is also called the 100-day cough is a disease highly contagious respiratory infection. The disease is more often affects children, especially under 2 years old. Whooping cough can also occur in adults, but not dangerous. Become more dangerous if it occurs in children, toddlers, and the elderly.

The disease is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis sometimes by. Transmitted through coughing or sneezing of infected patients.

The early symptoms of whooping cough-like flu, and after two weeks he had started to cough. He could also choke or vomit, and sometimes his breathing sounds when breathing or after coughing. It took many weeks until the coughing subsided. This bacterial infection of the air holes clog with mucus and can last about four weeks after coughing starts. If your child is coughing constantly and in a long time, see your doctor, to get a diagnosis and prevent it from infecting others.

Give your child foods that are easy to swallow and give a lot of drinking. Help him to remove phlegm to lay him on your lap and pat his back. The doctor will also prescribe antibiotics.

Provide nutritious foods that are easily digested bit by bit. Avoid foods that contain lots of sugar, artificial sweeteners, and fried foods.

In severe cases, children may be admitted to hospital for oxygen therapy and rehydration treatment. Sometimes a severe coughing attack can cause inflammation in the lungs and makes children vulnerable to lung infections. Secondary infections, although rare, can trigger pneumonia and bronchitis. Avoid contact with other babies at risk of complications.

6. Rubella (German Measles)

Is similar but distinct measles virus that causes it, just attack once in a lifetime. Although different viruses cause, but rubella and measles (rubeola) have some similarities. Rubella and measles is an infection that causes redness of the skin on the sufferer. Rubella are serious diseases that could potentially be a fatal disease that can cause disability and death.

Rubella begins with the flu followed by a rash with spots, which appear in one or two days - beginning on the face, then the rest of the body. Glands at the back of the neck to swell. Rubella virus began to attack before the rash appears, until at least four days after the rash disappeared. In recent years, the disease is rarely encountered because the child usually has to get injections against measles, mumps, rubella, at the age of about 12-15 months.

Give your child a cold drink, wear thin clothes and give it a special baby paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging) to reduce body temperature.

Although including a mild infection in children, keep the child from the woman four months pregnant at the top or women who are trying to conceive. If your child anywhere near a pregnant woman before you know the illness, tell him to be able to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is necessary to know whether she has had an immune system, because these infections can cause birth defects baby.

For children under five, at the age of 15 months or 12 months (if he does not get immunized against measles), mumps-measles vaccination-rubella (MMR), to prevent the high risk of harm to health.

7. Mumps
Mumps is an acute viral infectious disease of the salivary glands (especially the parotid). Patients can transmit the disease from ± 7 days before the onset of symptoms until the disease ± 9 days after. Transmission can occur through: saliva spray (droplet infection), the tools used to eat and drink together. The disease is common in primary school age children (between 5-9 years). The reason is the mumps virus from the family Paramyxoviridae.

Obvious symptoms of mumps, which is swollen and tender glands under the ears and under chin. Your child will also suffer from fever, headache, dry mouth, difficulty chewing and swallowing. Diseases caused by viruses are usually harmless; infection started in a few days before the glands swell until mengempes back. Lately mumps is rare, because usually children are getting an injection of MMR at the age of about 12-15 months.

Compress the child with lukewarm water to reduce fever, or provide special baby paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging) and / or special ibuprofen baby (when she's over six months - check the recommended age on the packaging). Give a lot of drinking but not fruit juice, since fruit juice can produce saliva, which can cause pain. No need to see a doctor unless your child complains of stomach pain, feel pain, or rash grows.

Although rare, mumps can lead to meningitis or encephalitis (brain inflammation). In addition mumps are also at risk (although small) disrupt testicular function in boys.


Avoid contact with patients.
Increase endurance.
Immunization (usually in the form of MMR immunization).

8. Measles (Rubeola, 9-day measles, measles)

Penyakir is infectious in young children are present throughout the year without a summer. Although infected only once, do not anticipate that children up to experience complications. Measles or more often called tampek easily transmitted. The virus can live and spread through the air. Measles, which in foreign terms is called measles, is caused by the measles virus or measles virus or morbili (MV) of the paramyxovirus family. Measles attacked only once in a lifetime, when a small time a child has been exposed to measles then after that normally he would not be hit again.

Symptoms of measles begins with severe flu, cough loudly, and watery eyes. White patches in the mouth (Koplik spots) is the first sign. Your child feel uncomfortable, high fever, and difficult to see the light. The rash appears on the third or fourth day, usually behind the ear, and then spread to other body parts. The spots will be flushed and the more, but not itchy.

The disease usually lasts about a week. Measles is highly contagious and potentially serious viral disease, but usually rare because in most cases the child had received an injection of MMR at age 12-15 months. This highly contagious disease since a few days before the rash appears until five days after the rash disappears.

See a doctor. No need to bring the child to the doctor because it could potentially infect other children. Give lots to drink (warm water can relieve cough) and give a special baby paracetamol (check the recommended age on the packaging) to reduce body temperature. Vaseline will protect the skin around the lips. Rinse the crust on the edge of the eye, and darken the room when the light bothered him. Because the disease is derived from a virus, can be treated with antibiotics, but your doctor may give to a secondary infection.

Ear infections and lungs, vomiting and diarrhea can occur two days after the rash appears. The disease is also a small risk of causing pneumonia or ensefasilitis, disorders of the lungs or ears.

Perform measles immunization in children. It is not guaranteed to be 100%, but if to have contracted measles virus, then the condition is not too severe. Immunization can be done twice. First at the age of 9 months, this age was chosen because the baby antibodies derived from the mother through the placenta has been declining so take extra antibodies through immunization. In order to better the child's immune system then repeated measles vaccination at age 15 months with immunization MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella).

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