Monday, January 17, 2011

Grape Seed Good to Prevent Stroke

The refreshing taste of wine, makes a lot of interest. In fact the fruit was also able to cure many diseases like high blood pressure, weak heart and skin problems.

In 1870, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, prescribe wine for various diseases. For healing, he only prescribes eating grapes with a particular dose.

According to The George Mateljan Foundation, the wine has a nutritional value that is extraordinary. Every 100 grams of grapes at least 25 components of the nutrients needed by the body.

Mineral content in wine has health benefits for the body such as manganese. Substance was indispensable in the synthesis of energy so the body can help maintain stable blood sugar. Manganese is also necessary for the metabolism of body fat and connective tissue and bone formation.

Grapes contain a carotenoid called lycopene, and high. Both chemicals are widely recognized ability to inhibit various diseases of the body. The content of antioxidants in wine has been widely believed as the protector of cells from free radicals cause degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and some diseases of aging.

The content of vitamin C, B6, C and B1 in wine is also high with exceptional properties for the body. Vitamin C fruit wine can enhance immunity and wound healing. B6 content of the wine is also very important for the brain to function normally.

Grape skins also contain resveratrol which is an important source of flavonoids, including catechin, quercetin, prosianidin, and anthocyanins.

Resveratrol is found in most of the skins of grapes. The study concluded last few years, resveratrol could probably help youth and prevent cancer.

Other efficacy owned wine is to overcome fatigue and hypoglycemia due to its natural sugar content is very high, especially in the form of glucose and fructose. Grape juice is believed to prevent and help cure several viral infections such as influenza, polio and herpes.

In addition, grape seed are also believed to contain minerals, zinc and manganese that are beneficial to the body. Now consume wine, no need to discard skins and seeds to obtain the maximum benefit.

Grape Seed Good to Prevent Stroke

Grape seed either to prevent a stroke because it contains endungeoned pycnogenol, a substance that can deflect the amplifier kologen blood vessels (anti aging), health experts said the nutrition community Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Ali Khomsan, here on Wednesday.

According to Ali, aged aged man, his veins will be more fragile and susceptible to blockages that cause stroke and coronary heart disease.

Pycnogenol serves to flex the blood vessels are susceptible to freezing.

Ali's research results, the substance is widely available on pycnogenol grape seed, both local and imported wines from some other countries.

"What happened during this, if people actually eat seeded grapes, but for the extraordinary health benefits," he said.

Grape seed is also more lenient than chilli seeds, so it will not endanger the health of the intestines such as appendicitis and others.

"The only seed that can make chili beans appendectomy just because it is hard and can not be digested by the body," he said.

Meanwhile, the grape skins are also very rich in flavonoids which are substances that are able to block free radicals, because the grape skins contain more antioxidants than vitamin C.

Thus the grape skins are very good for preventing the aging process in skin, will make people who eat more fresh look.

High content of antioxidants in grape skin, said Ali, making the grape is also very good consumed by smokers or people who live in areas with air pollution levels are high enough, like in Jakarta.

While the fruit is rich in potassium which is used to control blood pressure. "The fruit of the wine as well as coconuts, all the parts have benefits for humans," he said.

Grapes, he said, the good consumed two servings daily, one serving between 6-8 seeds. However, it does not matter if the need interspersed with a variety of other fruits.

"Indonesia is rich with fruit, so eat a variety of fruits in turn is also quite good for health," he said.

Avoid the persistence of the chemicals inherent in the grapes, he said, should be washed before eating the fruit is clean first.

"It's not uncommon for people to eat grapes peeled and seeded. We recommend that all parts are quite expensive fruit is eaten," he said.

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