Thursday, January 20, 2011

Children Do Not Want to Eat, It's The Parents Fault

Good nutrition often can not be met by a child due to factors outside and inside. Limitations because of factors outside the family economy. While there are internal factors within the child who appears psychologically as a child's eating problem.

Eating problems are encountered for example in the form of a child reluctant to eat. Averse behavior meals is not a trivial issue. There is no panacea that can quickly restore a child's appetite. Children who are lazy to eat are always trying to make excuses for not eating. For example, by ngemut food, play, or regurgitate food.

Picky eaters (picky eaters) often found in children that makes parents confused. Children tend to behave picky eaters will have difficulty in gathering a variety of foods to meet nutritional adequacy. Foods that tend to be consumed daily uniform, whereas the diversity of food is the best way to meet nutritional needs. These children can be when you grow are not willing to consume foods that are hard. Even rice porridge had to be replaced.

Why does this problem arise in children eat? Can be explained psychologically, eating behavior arises because children imitate over what is done by other family members. Children who grow up in families who are reluctant to eat, because the diet for example, will develop behavior reluctant to eat anyway.

Trouble eating behavior can also arise because parents do not recognize the child's ego. Parents are always forcing kids to eat this and that with the portion that has been determined. For example by requiring the spending of food on a plate. The purpose may be true of parents they want their children to grow up healthy with adequate nutrition. But they are less aware that eating is not merely the question of nutrition but there are also psychological elements.

You see, children under five years of independence in order to process his ego would have liked to also be recognized. So, not ever give them the freedom to take your own food without having to be fed.

Mistakes of Parents

There are fundamental differences in how people prepare for the independence of Western children compared to the East. Here we always tend to serve children, including in terms of eating for not wanting to spill spilled food. Wasting food is a taboo and be damned. Thus, in our society can be found parents are still feeding a child who had grade V SD. This hardly be found in Western societies since the early to train children to be able to feed themselves.

Eating behavior often appears ill-fitting caused by parents. Such a habit to calm children who are fussy with how to buy a calorie-dense snacks (candy, soft drinks, chocolate, etc..). Children who already consume calorie-dense foods stomach will soon be full, so he would not eat.

Variety of food is very supportive child development

Since then, the meal for a child must be made in a pleasant atmosphere. Let no element of coercion that arises when the impression of eating into something annoying or even a punishment. The habit of eating together that has begun to be left turned on again it's good. Toddlers can feel the pleasure of eating when all family members sit together at the dinner table.

Eating problems in children can be bad for growth and development of children. At least the food that goes into the child's abdomen can be an indication that the child has a great chance to suffer from malnutrition. Indicators of nutritional status is reflected by less weight or height of children below the standard.

Using a standard measure for comparison we can find out the nutritional status of a child. In the Card Towards Healthy (KMS), which is distributed free of charge for participants IHC program, illustrated chart weight gain based on the child's age. Through the weighing of children under five every month can be known propensity of a child's nutritional status.

Those who have growth failure (fixed weight or weighing down the next month) are often caused by malnutrition or illness. The children are malnourished due to lack of food at the household level.

The toddler had been able to eat anything as well as adults. But they can refuse if the food did not meet their tastes. Therefore, as parents we must also apply for one-time democratic serve food which is becoming a favorite child.

Psychosocial factors that can affect a child's appetite can result from feeding too dependent on someone. For example, children under five are regular helpers fed his appetite may decrease when to eat together during her mother who is always busy in the office. It's best to create a balanced social atmosphere in the household so that young children feel close to all the members of the household and want to eat with anyone.

Milk is not mandatory

Good nutrition certainly plays an important role in achieving optimal body growth. This optimal body growth also include brain growth crucial intelligence.

Fast food tends to not balanced nutritional content

Period of brain growth is fastest in the trimester when the fetus in the womb until the baby is 18 months old. After that the brain is still growing at an increasingly diminished until the age of five. Therefore, age of the children are very vulnerable to conditions of malnutrition.

At this vulnerable age many parents who have a mistaken perception about food for her child. For example, infants until the age of four months is actually pretty if only breast-fed by his mother without any additional food. This is consistent with the enzyme in the baby's digestive system is still dominated by the enzyme lactase to break down lactose milk.

But some parents think the baby will starve without food so that they introduce additional bananas, porridge, and so on. Though these foods requires the presence of the enzyme maltase to break down maltose (CARB) on bananas or porridge. Maltose enzymes generally have not been widely produced by infants under the age of four months. Mistakes in giving this meal would make the baby's body can not fully digest the food given by his mother so that nutrients can not be utilized by the body. Finally, the baby could be hampered intelligence.

After a two year old is actually the presence of milk in the daily menu is not mandatory. The important thing with a variety of food consumed enough. By considering only 4 healthy (rice, vegetables, side dishes, and fruit), children after age two years can grow well.

But in reality, as if the parents force children to consume lots of milk and letting them reduce meal portions. Though eating a serving three times a day is more important than drinking a glass or two glasses of milk. Milk in many families considered the god of food that can replace rice, vegetables, and side dishes.

Milk from the viewpoint of nutrition is not a source of protein but rather a source of calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are easily we get in anchovy or sardine. While our primary protein source is rice and side dishes. So, with consumption 4 5 perfectly healthy without any of our children after the age of two years could grow to the optimum. Also, height growth.

Stature is determined by many factors. Potential biologic or genetic factors into the basic capital in achieving the final result the growth process. Height of a child's height will be influenced both parents. We can not expect children to grow higher when a short parents or vice versa.

There are also hormonal factors. Hormones are very important for growth is growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and sex hormones. Growth hormone needed to stimulate the development of long bones. Children who suffer from growth hormone deficiency will have a high end only 120 cm in adult life. Thyroid hormone plays a major role in metabolism. Moderate sex hormones determine the child's growth during puberty. So if there is a child circumcised before puberty, thereafter he grew more rapidly due to the activity of sex hormones. Circumcision was not that cause a person to grow faster.

The size of high stature as a manifestation of the above three factors vary for each population. High for us not necessarily the case for Europeans or Americans. Our society may not have been able to tolerate even the girl whose height is 175 cm.

But in this era of globalization height becomes something that can not be ignored. You see, a variety of formations the size of the work requires a certain height. If it had only the armed forces and the air crew, is now a growing number of sector employees who want tall. Well, it helps parents pay more attention to perlaku eat their children.

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