Friday, January 21, 2011

The Benefits of Bananas for Medical

This plant originated from Asia and spread in Spain, Italy, Indonesia, America and other parts of the world. Banana plants love the outdoor area is enough sunlight, suitable to grow in lowland until height of 1000 meters above sea level. Basically, the banana plant is a plant that has no true stems. Trunk formed from the development and growth of the midrib midrib surrounding soft shaft length, the actual banana stem weevil found in hidden in the ground

Latin Name: Musa Paradisiaca, Linn.
Family: Musaceae


Local Name:
Banana (UK), Tsiu, Cha (Chinese), Pisyanga, Kila (India); Banana (Indonesia), Klue (Thailand), Pyaw, Nget (Burma); Gedang (Java), Cau (Sunda), Biu (Bali) , Puti (Lampung); Wusak Lambi, lutu (Gorontalo), Kulo (Ambon), Uki (East).

Chemical Ingredients:
According to bananas contain high levels of research include: - Vitamin A, B1, C - Fat - Minerals (Potassium, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) - Carbohydrate - Dextrose - Water - Sucrose - Levulose - telut White Substance - Substance Tepun.

Curable Disease:
Uterine bleeding, tighten the vagina, bowel Sprue, Hemorrhoid; Chicken pox, Ear and Throat swelling, dysentery, tonsillitis; Stomach cancer, jaundice (liver), colon bleeding, diarrhea;

Stomach Cancer

Ingredients: Tunas / child banana trunk and 1 piece of tea plant parasite
Method: children shredded banana and take water as much as 4 cups, then boiled together with the parasite was the tea to boil down to 2 cups.
How to use: drink one cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon and carried out regularly.


Ingredients: Bananas ripe gold
How to use: eat a lot of gold bananas.

Family Planning

Ingredients: Banana Flowers Ambon
Method: boiled with water until boiling
How to use: drink water 2 times a day, morning and before bed. Performed for 7 consecutive days after menstruation or childbirth.

Colon Bleeding

Ingredients: shoot / child, and 1 piece of banana weevil parasite tea
Method: banana grated and squeezed the child to be taken as much as 2 cups of water and then boiled together with the weevil parasite was the tea to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day 1 cup.

Bleeding Uterus

Ingredients: shoot / child, and 1 piece of banana weevil parasite tea
Method: children shredded banana and take water as much as 2 cups. Then boiled together with the weevil parasite was the tea to boil down to 1 cup.
How to use: filtered and drink 1 a day 1 / 2 cup.

Prevent Bleeding After Childbirth

Ingredients: banana trunk
Method: shredded banana trunk to take water.
How to use: filtered and drink 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup.

Sprue Intestinal

Material: Leather kluthuk bananas that are ripe and raw bananas.
Method: Skin kluthuk bananas and raw bananas are sliced ​​thin, then finely ground, squeezed to drain and diembun-embunkan overnight outside the home.
How to use: drink after waking up / early morning.

Vagina close up and Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage

Ingredients: banana tree trunks stones that have not flowered.
Method: Banana Tree beheaded to take water is clean
How to use: used to wash the vagina after childbirth.


Ingredients: banana kluthuk is still raw, fennel pulasari to taste and 1 piece of brown sugar.
Method: kluthuk shredded banana to take water. Then mixed with other ingredients and stir until evenly distributed.
How to use: filtered and drunk.


Ingredients: banana stem weevil kluthuk, fennel pulosari
Method: shredded banana weevil to take water, then mixed with other ingredients until evenly distributed.
How to use: filtered and drunk.

Ear Swelling

Material: Leather banana kustruk
Method: baked banana skin and in warm-hot pressed to take water.
How to use: applied on the ear swelling.

Throat Swelling

Ingredients: banana Clevis kapok (kepok)
Method: Clevis banana grated and squeezed to take water.
How to use: used to gargle.


Ingredients: banana Clevis kluthuk
Method: shredded to take water as much as 1 / 2 cup
How to use: drink 3 days

Diarrhoea (adult)

Ingredients: Raw banana lime
Method: burnt
How to use: edible

Diarrhoea (Babies)

Ingredients: bananas, kapok (kepok) crude
Method: sliced ​​and fried without oil
How to use: eaten by mothers who are breastfeeding the baby.


Ingredients: banana stem weevil
Method: grated and squeezed \ to take water
How to use: drink.

Preventing Infection

Ingredients: banana leaf bark sap
Method: beheaded and captured banana sap.
How to use: applied on the wound.

Nose bleed

Ingredients: banana roots or trunk kepok taste.
Method: finely ground and brewed with hot water
How to use: drink as much as ½ cup at a time.

Animal bites (snake) venom

Ingredients: plantain stem tuber;
Method: grated and squeezed to take water;
How to use: drink 2 times a day ½ - 1 cup.

Toilet launched a major

Material: moss green banana fruit or golden ripe bananas
How to use: eat a lot.

Sore eyes

Ingredients: Bananas ambon or ripe bananas CERE
How to use: eat bananas 2 times 3 pieces per day, or eating bananas CERE 3 times 4 pieces each day.

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