Thursday, September 22, 2011

Which One is More powerful, Chocolate or Kissing?

When talking about the tongue, the melted chocolate was more sensational than the kiss of a warm and deep. Hmm ..

Conclusions are presented the research team after they do a comparison of the effects of chocolate and a kiss. In his research, the research team monitors the state of the brain and the heart rate of the respondents after the chocolate melt in your mouth and kissing.
Apparently, chocolate cause effects that are more 'powerful'. The sensation caused by the chocolate last longer and more intense than with a kiss. Anything else ya, it turns brown more quickly raise the heartbeat rhythm than when we kissed him.

"No doubt about that chocolate kiss beat in terms of sensation to the brain and the effect is more durable," said Lewis Dr.David of the Mind Lab who conducted this research.

During this chocolate is known to have psychoactive effects, but let the chocolate melt on the tongue it is the secret to maximizing the sensation. 'Effect' nyetrum 'brown last four times longer than a kiss, "added David.

When nan delicious chocolate melt in the mouth, our heart rate will increase to 60 bits per minute. In addition, the urge is felt in the brain was also higher than kissing.

Although a fan of chocolate more women, the effect was 'nyetrum' chocolate could be felt by all genders. So, occasionally invite him along to feel the sensation of chocolate awesome.
In addition to efficacy as above, chocolate is also very useful for our health, among others:

1. Maintaining heart health
Eating foods rich in flavonoids is closely associated with the low number of deaths caused by coronary heart disease. Allegedly, the content of flavonoids in chocolate actually maintain heart health by inhibiting LDL oxidation. Flavonoids in chocolate also acts as an antioxidant that can prevent premature aging.

2. Stimulate the immune system
By producing more cytokines (proteins produced as part of the body's immune system), then the chocolate is useful in stimulating the immune system.

3. Reduce the risk of breast cancer
Based on the research the Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromso, Norway, in the International Journal of Cancer, eating three or more glasses of milk every day can reduce the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women.

4. As Antioxidants
Antioxidants in chocolate derived from cocoa beans that contain antioxidant flavonoids that are useful for holding free radicals. However, this is very dependent antioxidant properties of cocoa content in chocolate that you consume, the greater the cocoa content, the greater the antioxidant benefit in chocolate bar.

To see the levels of antioxidants in chocolate can be seen on a darker brown color of chocolate, the greater the level of cocoa contained in it. Efficacy of antioxidants contained in cocoa flavonoids in apples comparable with 6 or 4.5 cups of tea.

5. Reduces insomnia
Chocolate is also potent to help the body to rest or reduce insomnia. Efficacy is contained in a protein in cocoa beans, are rich in protein amino acid tryptophan, phenylalanine and tyrosine.

6. Creating a vibrant
Other properties are capable of supplying chocolate calcium and magnesium for the body. It is therefore useful to make your chocolate come to life again.

7. Prevent some diseases
The results of Dr. Norman Hollenberg, a researcher from Harvard Medical School, United States (U.S.) shows, one of the active substance in chocolate that is epicatechin can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes mellitus.

8. Enhances brain function
Chocolate contains many elements that are to be stimulants such as theobromine, phenethylamine, and caffeine. These compounds have been found previously to be increased level of awareness and ability to concentrate. The results showed, by eating chocolate can get the stimulating effects that will lead to increased mental performance.

9. Extend the life of
By controlling the physical activity undertaken, smoking, and eating habits found that those who love to eat sweets / chocolates age one year older than non-eaters. Allegedly phenol antioxidants contained in chocolate is the cause why they can outlive.

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