Monday, September 26, 2011

Walking Prevent Brain Shrinkage

Walk at least as far as six miles in one week may be the one thing that can be done to prevent brain shrinkage and against dementia, according to some researchers the United States on Wednesday.

A study of nearly 300 people in Pittsburgh, United States, which continues to record how far they walk each week, showed that those who walked at least six miles or 9.6 kilometers are less prone to age-related brain shrinkage than those who walked less than that, as quoted by Reuters.

"Depreciation of brain size in late adulthood can lead to problems in memory. Our results should encourage drafted a good physical exercise for the elderly as a promising approach to preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease," said Kirk Erickson of the University of Pittsburgh, United States, whose research appears in the journal Neurology.

Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia, slowly kill brain cells, and activities such as walking has been shown to increase brain volume.

Erickson and his colleagues conducted a study to see whether the person has to walk a lot better bargaining value to combat the disease.

They conducted a study on 299 dementia-free volunteers on a regular basis and record how far they walk in a week.

Nine years later, researchers took brain images of each volunteer to measure their brain volume. After four years, they re-do the test to see if there are volunteers who experience cognitive impairment or dementia.

They found that people who walk approximately six to nine miles or 9.6 km -14.4 km in a week, have a risk of impaired memory fifty percent lower than those who walk less than that in a week.

"Our results in line with the data indicates that aerobic activity induces a number of kaskada cells that can increase the volume of gray matter," according to the research team.

They say more research needs to be done on the effects of exercise in people with dementia, but in the absence of effective treatment for Alzheimer's, a walk is probably the one thing you can do to help.

"If regular exercise for middle-aged people can improve the health of the brain and improve memory and thinking in the future, it simply became one of the reasons for doing regular exercise at every age group, an effort to improve public health," said Erickson.

Currently there are no drugs that can stop the progression of Alzheimer's, which affects more than 26 million people in the world.

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