Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sports For People with Osteoporosis

Regular exercise can slow the rate of bone loss and maintaining overall health of bone tissue. Exercise is especially beneficial for people with osteoporosis are weight training (body weight or other object) and flexibility exercises.

Exercises with body weight
Exercise with a mean body weight using the leg to hold the weight. This exercise is beneficial for patients with established osteoporosis because bones become denser and stronger. Practice holding your own body for thirty minutes every day is also heart healthy, improve muscle strength, and maintain coordination and balance the body. Some examples of these exercises include:

·         Walk
·         Jogging
·         Climb the ladder
·         Aerobic Gymnastics "low impact"
·         Dance
·         Swimming and cycling, although good for physical fitness, is not a useful exercise to build bone. That's because your body is sustained by something other than your feet and legs.

Exercise with weights in addition to body
Lifting weights or resistance training (resistance exercise) is the weight of your body other than the object. Research shows that lifting weights strengthens muscles and bones and reduce fracture risk. To get good results, practice two or three times a week. Increase the portion of the exercise gradually by adding weights or repetition frequency. Train your different muscle groups, including the arms, chest, shoulders, legs, stomach and back. Do not train the same muscle group in two consecutive exercises. Give these muscle groups a chance to recuperate.

Weight training is suitable for people with osteoporosis, among others:

·         Lifting weights using barbells and dumbbells at home or at the gym
·         Resistance exercise with a rubber strap whose strength varies.
·         Flexibility exercises
Exercise is beneficial to strengthen the body flexibility to maintain bones and joints limber so it is not easily injured. Included in flexibility exercises include:

·         Gymnastics deflexion
·         Tai chi
·         Yoga
·         Exercise should be avoided

People with osteoporosis are prone to fracture, therefore, should avoid the following sports:

·         Aerobics "high impact"
·         Exercises that require sudden movements and powerful
·         Abdominal crunches
·         Exercises that require twisting body movements, like swinging a golf club
·         Exercises that require pounding, stop and start abruptly, like tennis and squash

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