Wednesday, September 14, 2011

7 Nutrition Enhancement Fertility

Many of the myths that developed in the community that certain vitamins can increase fertility. For example, couples are encouraged to eat the sprouts as they contain lots of vitamin E are good for fertility.
Opinion was only half true. Although vitamin E is required for fertility, vitamins are not the only one you need. You need a combination of a number of other vitamins and minerals to maintain fertility. Consuming too much of certain nutrients, but eating less of other elements at the expense of fertility

(and health) you. In any conditions, diet with balanced nutrition should be maintained. Here are the seven nutrition when consumed in a balanced way will increase your fertility:
1. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is essential for male and female reproductive systems. For women, vitamin E, keeping the endocrine system and the production of hormones that good. For men, vitamin E supports the production of sperm and sex hormones and prevent damage to sperm DNA.
A study showed that extensive damage to the DNA of sperm can cause infertility.DNA damage was mainly caused by free radicals. Vitamin E as an antioxidant to prevent damage to sperm DNA.
The recommended intake of vitamin E is 400 UI per day. The main source of vitamin E is the sprouts, soybeans, liver, and dark green vegetables.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is important for both men and women. For women, vitamin C is useful to maintain hormonal balance, increase fertility, strengthen the immune system, and helps absorption of iron. For men, vitamin C prevents sperm clumping and improve sperm mobility.
The main source of vitamin C are fruits such as guava, soursop, papaya, oranges, mangoes, strawberries and vegetables such as peppers and spinach.Consumption of the recommended daily vitamin C is 750-1000 mg.
Although too much vitamin C is not dangerous because these vitamins dissolve in water so that when the excess will be disposed of through urine, excess vitamin C can lower the pH of the body that are less favorable for sperm and egg.
3. Vitamin B
There are two types of vitamin B is beneficial increase fertility, one for men and one for women. Vitamin B12 can add to and improve the quality of sperm while vitamin B6 may increase a woman's fertility. Types of other B vitamins like folic acid is also essential to the process of unification of sperm and egg (conception).
Intake of vitamins B6 and B12, it suggests the 1.3 and 2.4 micrograms per day.Sources of vitamin B6 is a carrot, egg, chicken, fish, bananas, broccoli and brown rice. While the sources of vitamin B12 are liver, milk and fish.
4. Iron
Iron is essential for the transport of blood and oxygen throughout the body.Women need to maintain balance the process of ovulation. A study showed that 40% of the group of women who have ovulation problems become fertile after adding the consumption of iron.
The recommended iron intake for adult men and women, respectively, the 8 mg and 18 mg per day. Iron is best obtained from natural sources such as kale, spinach, liver and meat.
5. Selenium
The study, conducted the university of Padua, Italy, showed that selenium deficiency can cause infertility in men. Like vitamin E, selenium act as antioxidants to prevent oxidation of sperm cells.
The main sources of selenium are red meat, liver and seafood. The recommended daily intake for adult men is 70 micrograms.
6. Zinc
Zinc or zinc is a mineral that is essential for fertility. This mineral is present in more than 200 enzymes and proteins and is important for men to help maintain the function of sexual organs and sperm production. Zinc deficiency causes a decrease in testosterone, testicular shrinkage and reduction in the production of healthy sperm.
Shellfish contain lots of zinc compared to most other foods. But beware for those who live in Jakarta and its surroundings because of shellfish from polluted bay Jakarta suspect a lot of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium. Instead of getting healthier, you can actually become sick from it. Zinc is also found in liver, beef, crab, mutton, eggs and chicken. The recommended zinc intake is 15 micrograms per day.
7. Calcium
To prepare for pregnancy, you need to reserve enough calcium. Calcium also improves your body's pH, which is beneficial for sperm and eggs that are fertilized and a number of other benefits. The best sources of calcium are milk, green vegetables and meat. One glass of fresh milk contains about 800 mg of calcium.
Calcium in food is more readily absorbed. However, calcium supplements provide a more practical alternative. Women who want to increase their fertility should consume 1000 mg of calcium a day.

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