Want to take a nap you more qualified? Try to lie on the hammock swing. The study revealed that the swing gently in his sleep can affect brain waves, so you can create fast asleep.
The results of studies published in the journal Current Biology June 21 issue of this explains why all the adults and babies fall asleep faster when they rocked. This also provides benefits for those who simply take a nap, because it is proven to make a fresh brain.
In his research, experts from the University of Geneva studied 12 young male volunteers. Each volunteer came to the laboratory at two different times, each to sleep for 45 minutes in a special hammock. When asleep, their brain activity was monitored by means of electroencephalogram (EEG), which uses electrodes on the skin to be able to sense electrical activity in the brain.
The results showed, all the volunteers fell asleep more quickly and more soundly when rocked in bed. While when the bed is not rocked, they spend about half of their sleep time in the early phase of light sleep phase known as N1. When the swing bed, N1 stage takes only about 30 percent of sleep time. N2 phase, or phase of sleep in a little more, increased approximately 10 percent when the bed rocked.
Swing during sleep also alter patterns of brain activity known as sleep spindles. Spindle is a half-second bursts of electrical energy that occurs during the phase of N2. When sleep was rocked, participants had an average of spindles is quite constant during naps. But when they rocked the bed, participants showed a sharp increase in the number of spindles during their nap.
Another 2011 study published in the journal Current Biology found that a large number of spindles during the siesta associated with better mental refreshment after a nap.
The researchers have not been able to ascertain whether the swing also makes sleep more soundly tonight. They hope that the research could help in treatment for insomnia.
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