The frequency of pregnancy and childbirth can have a major impact on health, including the bone. Women often give birth and within the adjacent high risk of decreased bone density.
According to expert medical rehabilitation of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Ciptomangunkusumo (FKUI-RSCM) Siti Annissa Nuhonni, during pregnancy the fetus requires lots of calcium for bone formation, and the need is met by reserves calcium in the body of his mother.
"In addition to pregnancy, after childbirth breastfeeding mothers will also be making more calcium mother given to her child," said faculty member at the Faculty of medicine-this RSCM.
He added, pregnancy and childbirth that occurred in adjacent time also can cause impaired balance estrogen. Though estrogen is required to enter into the bone calcium. "Therefore they are more at risk of osteoporosis," he said.
To prevent loss of calcium, Fiastuti Witjaksono nutritionists recommend that a woman since the age of reproduction has sufficient reserves of calcium.
"If the levels of calcium in the blood runs out, which is taken calcium in bones and teeth because 80 percent of calcium is there," said a specialist from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of medicine that.
Calcium intake can be met from many sources such as milk, cheese, anchovy, soy, yogurt, and leafy green vegetables. Those aged over 19 years to 50 years need 1,000 mg of calcium per day.
But Fiastuti warned that increasing age may lead to calcium absorption in the intestine was not optimal.
"When the adult gut can only absorb 40-50 percent of calcium that we asup, because it needs to be calculated how much calcium we have no shortage asup order," he said.
One natural way to increase calcium intake is to bask in the sun for 15 minutes morning and reduce the intake of caffeine, foods high in salt, and quitting smoking.
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