Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Seven Misleading Myths About Fat

Fat is often blamed as the "ringleader" of obesity and many other dangerous diseases. As a result, became bolder and more women are getting rid of fat from the daily menu. In fact, some of the worst statements about the fat that is a myth that is misleading.

Here are 7 myths of fat that is misleading:

Myth 1: Do not drink milk if you like thin

Our bodies need protein, vitamins (A and D), minerals, and energy supply contained in the milk. Milk is also very good because of the high content of calcium (116-290 mg of calcium per 100 grams of milk). Lack of calcium will make you vulnerable to osteoporosis and hormone production shortage that could help break down fats in the body.

Tip: Drink milk 1-2 times a day
Women aged under 30 years are still allowed to consume whole milk. Low-fat or nonfat milk is the best choice for the age of 30 years.

Myth 2: Avocado is a type of "forbidden fruit"

Fat in the avocado is a fatty acid omega-9, the type of good fats are actually able to suppress levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Avocados are also rich in fiber so that it can absorb excess LDL and throw together the remnants of burning. Avocados are also rich in potassium efficacious stabilizing heartbeat and blood pressure and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Also rich in vitamin E and B are important for maintaining healthy skin, prevent premature aging, and strengthen body immunity.

Tip: Eat avocados without any additional dressings, such as milk, chocolate, or sugar. Also enjoyed a delicious avocado instead of butter or butter to coat bread.

Myth 3: Butter is better than cooking oil

Butter cream made from milk that cholesterol content in it is higher than the cooking oil. Moreover, cooking oil made from plant materials, such as olive oil, canola oil, or sesame oil. Although vegetable cooking oil contains more fat than butter, most of the fat content in them classified "good" fats are easily broken down body.

Tip: Avoid processed foods by frying and choose foods that are boiled, steamed, or sauteed. If forced to have to fry, choose a type of vegetable oil.

Myth 4: Lots of it is safe to eat eggs

Indeed, many sportsmen who eat eggs a lot to get a muscular body. But, they have dietary guidelines that limit the amount of egg consumption and keep up with the intake of other nutrients. Eggs do contain many nutrients, such as B-complex vitamins, essential amino acids, such as minerals (iron, phosphorus, and calcium). However, in addition to nutrient-rich, cholesterol content in egg yolk is very high so that consumption should be restricted.

Tip: Limit eggs to 2 eggs per week. Together eggs, consume vegetables rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K, such as carrots and bean sprouts, to help dissolve fat.

Myth 5: Abstaining from eating meat makes the body slimmer

Meat is a food rich in protein and essential amino acids that are important to the body. In the flesh of fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that are useful to prevent heart disease and omega-6 are able to increase the combustion energy in the body, overcoming the retention (withdrawal of water in the body) and coronary heart disease.

Tip: Expand the consumption of fish and chicken than beef. Discard the skin and fatty parts. If you want to eat steak, avoid the prime rib steak or T-bone a lot of fat.

Myth 6: Doyan ice cream make a stretchy body

Ice cream made from milk does contain fat and cholesterol in varying amounts. But, do not forget, in every kind of food nutrients are good and bad for the body. In addition to fat and cholesterol, ice cream also contains lots of minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc, and iodine), protein, and vitamins A, B, D and E. Calcium is even able to increase production of the hormone in charge of outlining the fat in the body.

Tip: Choose low-fat ice cream, sorbet, or gelato. Better yet, enjoy ice cream with a mixed assortment of fruit pieces.

Myth 7: Nuts are fattening snacks

Research at Purdue University said, eating nuts can bring satiety longer than dieting snacks like rice crackers in the same amount. The fat in nuts is the omega-9, "good" fats that can lower LDL levels. Almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts contain arginine amino acid that is able to widen the arteries and lowers blood pressure.

Tip: According to research, snacking nuts five times a week each 1 small package can reduce the risk of heart attack by 25-39 percent. But, the consumption of baked beans, not fried.

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