Friday, September 30, 2011

How Doctors Investigate the Causes of Infertility

Couples who want children are often put off for years before feeling the need to obtain medical assistance. Typically, the istrilah who first took the initiative to consult your obstetrician or gynecologist.

Examination of fertility must involve the husband and wife, because at about 10 percent of cases the problem lies in both partners. Even if the doctor found a party that causes infertility, treatment is only useful if the condition is also known to other parties. To determine the condition of fertility, the husband should be examined by a urologist or andrology (doctor who specializes in male reproductive function).

Many hospitals in large cities that have a fertility center that provides consultation, examination and treatment to couples who want children.

The investigation of infertility
Investigate the cause of infertility is a couple of detective work. The doctors must diagnose the step by step to assess whether adequate sperm production and quality, whether ovulation occurred, whether fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg cell, etc.. Therefore, it is usually not enough with just one visit to the doctor.

1. Female fertility research

Gynecologists may ask the following questions:

How old are you when getting your first period?
How your menstrual cycle since then, is there a problem?
Is there a previous pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriage, abortion or disease?
With eyes, hands and ultrasound devices, gynecologists can investigate abnormalities in the vagina, uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes. He also might examine the process of ovulation and menstrual cycles monitored closely. If there are signs of malformation, inflammation or other pathological conditions (see: 15 Causes Infertility Female), additional technical examination with x-rays, laparoscopy, histereskopi, and others will confirm.

2. Male fertility research

Urologist / andrologist might be interested to ask the following things:

When did you start puberty? (Have wet dreams)
Have you ever been treated previously for undescended testicles or other testicular problems?
Have you been affected by goiter (enlarged thyroid) in a small time?
To determine the level of male fertility, your doctor will examine the body and sexual organs. Condition of the body and hair can indicate hormonal status. The existence of the sensitive points of pressure on the testis and epididymis may indicate inflammation. The doctor may order an ultrasound examination to detect testicular abnormalities, such as whether there varikosel (see: 15 Causes of Male Infertility).

Male fertility research is most important is a semen analysis (semen). Under the microscope, the cement will be examined the amount, quality and movement. When a man produces too few sperm, testicular problems there may be hormonal. Therefore, it may be necessary to measure hormone levels in her blood.

3. Research post-coital

If both partners are considered infertile, the doctor may need to check the health of intimate relationships. In some cases, mucus (mucus) in the woman's cervix "hostile" sperm so they killed or constrained to fertilize an egg. This condition can be caused by infection, too much anti-sperm antibodies, or high acidity in the cervix.

If the doctor suspects the hostility of cervical mucus as a cause of infertility, she will ask the couple to have intercourse around the time of ovulation. To that end, typically provided at the center of fertility romantic room for both of you. Once you "do", cervical fluid containing the sperm sample will be taken from the cervix for examination under a microscope.

At the time of the consultation process and therapy, you are strongly advised to ask the doctor if there are things that are not understood. Do not feel embarrassed to ask. The more knowledgeable you are, the better the effort and your chances of getting a child.

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