Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Habbitual of Dress Up That Adverse Health

There is nothing wrong if you want to always look pretty and clean all day. But be careful, because the habit of dressing up your day may be hazardous to your health. Here is the habit of dressing up is not good for your health:

1. Always wear tight clothes.
Avoid wearing pants and clothes that are too tight. Clothes that are too tight can increase intra-abdominal pressure and cause stomach acid up into your esophagus (acid reflux). As a result, you feel the abdomen, chest and throat, burning / bitter (heartburn). This is especially true after you eat a heavy meal.

Pants are too tight also become an ideal environment for mold growth in the vagina (vaginal yeast) that causes itching and irritation. This is especially true when the weather is hot and humid outside.

In addition, the pants are too tight can compress the nerve in the back of your legs that cause numbness and tingling. This is especially true if you are overweight.

2. Wearing high heels
That high heels can be hazardous to your health, is not new news. Bone Experts have warned for years that high heels can contribute to a variety of conditions ranging from calluses on your toes, osteoarthritis, chronic knee pain, sprained ankles to back pain.

3. Too often polish lipstick.
The news has been that some brands of lipstick is thought to contain lead. At present, although it has more stringent supervision, lipstick like that might still exist on the market. If you are unsure whether you are lead-free lipstick, please check with lipstick scraped into your golden ring. If the lipstick color changed to dark, then it most likely contains lead.

Too often polish lipstick can also cause dry mouth. Several types of lipstick that is not sticky (matte type), causing dry mouth because they remove moisture from your lips. Choose a lipstick that contains moisturizer and use lipstick only occasionally, not all day and every day.

4. Excessive shampooing your hair done.
You might think that a good wash every day for health. In fact, not. Too frequent washing of hair with natural hair shampoo removes oils, sebum. To compensate, the scalp will start producing excess sebum to make up for deficiencies. As a result, there was a need for wash cycle due to the hair too oily. When the cycle is stopped, the scalp will again produce excessive oil. Necessary transition period of about six weeks to get used to the scalp produce sebum which is lower.

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