Thursday, September 15, 2011

Disease Risk For Computer Users

The use of computers around the world have increased from time to time. With the computer, the work can be resolved easily and quickly. However, the use of computers also give adverse effects on health of the wearer.

Computer as the tool was found to cause occupational diseases as well as the use of machinery in industrial activity. Diseases can be caused by the use of this computer include stress, disorders of the eye and vision as well as musculoskeletal disorders.

Disturbances above arise because of misuse, such as the location of the screen is too high, the distance the eye with a computer that is too close, not ergs nomisnya desk with a keyboard operator body, the lighting is wrong, and so forth. Disturbances that arise can be resolved by fixing the above error.

With the correct use of the technique of occupational diseases caused by the computer can be avoided.


Computer use can cause stress, such as those found NIOSH (The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health). NIOSH found that computer operators have higher stress levels compared with other jobs. This type of stress that can be caused by the use of computers do not have differences with the type of stress that is in life.

Vision Impaired

Other health problems most commonly reported effect is visually impaired computer users. Vision problems can cause physical deformities. This happens because when vision is blurred, then the user's computer will change the position of the body forward in order to see closer objects' that exist in the monitor more clearly. Visual impairment caused by the use of computers, by The American Optometric Association called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS).

A study published by The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health took samples of eye examination basil 10,000 workers. This work is divided into several groups based on time spent in front of computers at work or at home at the time. Another thing to consider is the length of computer usage in the year. The result is a heavy user of the computer has a vision abnormalities, including myopia and glaucoma, so it can be seen that heavy computer use has a direct relationship with the onset of myopia and glaucoma.

Dr. Masayuki Tatemichi, Toho University School of Medicine, conducted a study on workers of different places in Japan that have workers more than 5000 people. He divided the several groups of workers based on how much use the computer, users are divided into mild, moderate, and severe. The result is found 522 workers suffering from glaucoma.

Nick Astbury said that the Japanese population has suffered a high prevalence of myopia, as one of the risk of glaucoma. Because computer users not only in Japan, as said David Wright (International Glaucoma Association), the research also has to be done in other ethnic tested for validity.


In addition to the above two things, health problems that may result from use of computers in the long run is to fatigue the muscles and tendons, and Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI).

Musculoskeletal disorders caused by the use of computers ranging from muscle and tendon weakness or neck pain and back up to a cumulative trauma. This cumulative trauma associated with the presence of repetitive movements continuously for a long time known as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The cause of musculoskeletal disorders, among others, inappropriate posture occurs continuously when using the computer, which does not correspond smiles back, sitting in the same position with long periods of time and poor ergonomic design.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) due to physical movement repeatedly cause damage to tendons, nerves, muscles and other tissues. Increased use of computers with high speed in typing cause injury to the hands, arms, and shoulders.

Included in RSI include neck pain, back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tenosynovitis DeQuervains, Thorscic Outlet Syndrome, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, and tennis Elbow.

Musculoskeletal disorders can be overcome by using the approach to workplace ergonomics. Namely by regulating the location of computer equipment, giving rise to a sense of comfort for your body.

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