Men tend to be big or even excessive weight loss is the most potent group of snoring during sleep. And levels of snoring will worsen with age. There has been no specific research into the habit of snoring in women. But really, snoring sleep habits are the monopoly of the adam.
Men do snore more than women. The reason for the excess weight (overweight).
Actually 25% of normal adults, also has the potential to snoring when asleep. So the snoring could be a relevant measure of the quality of human sleep. But snoring is often disturb sleep partners, therefore be wise enough when trying to reduce them.
1. Sleep Position Change.
Snoring occurs when sleeping supine. Then change the supine sleeping position with tilt, be a great way to avoid snoring.
2. Maintain Ideal Weight.
Most appropriate is to maintain an ideal body weight. But if already a big guy, lose weight become imperative. At least 10 percent less weight to reduce or eliminate snoring. Because the neck tissue of people who are overweight, usually thick. It allows the emergence of the risk of snoring.
3. Avoid Alcohol and sedative consumption.
Whatever type of sedative or alcohol can cause snoring. It is not because both compounds were able to make a deep sleep. But because of alcohol and sedatives tend to suppress breathing until it came snoring.
4. Breathe in Water Vapor Before Sleep.
Nasal congestion can cause snoring. One way around that is inhaled deep into water vapor through the nose before bed, so the nose feels loose. It could also put a wet towel in warm water and inhale the steam to remove mucus causes a stuffy nose.
5. Nasal Drug Use.
Research shows that the drug nasal spray may expel the blockage, thus making the nostrils wide open. Thus you can avoid the risk of snoring.
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