Monday, August 15, 2011

Signs of Depression in Children and Adolescents

Depression does not only occur in adults, children and adolescents may also suffer from depression. The good news is that depression is a treatable disease. Depression is defined as an illness when feelings of depression persist and interfere with the activity and the ability of the child or adolescent.

About 5 percent of children and adolescents are believed to have experienced depression. Children who experience stress, experience a loss (of people or goods or whatever), children who are learning, or children who have anxiety disorders are at higher risk for depression. Depression also tends to occur in families.

The behavior of children and adolescents with depression may be different from the behavior of depressed adults. Parents should exercise caution and be alert to signs of depression that may lie on their children.

Signs of depression in children and adolescents, among others:

Children look full of sadness, sometimes or always crying
Decreased interest in activities, or inability to enjoy previously favorite activities
Boredom, lethargy, weakness, loss of morale
Neglecting personal appearance
Concealed from the association
Feelings of low self esteem and guilt
Overreaction to the failure or refusal
Showed no reaction to the praise or reward
Easily angered, offended
Difficulties in interacting
Often complain of physical ailments such as headaches and stomachaches
Frequent absences from school or decline in school performance
Lack of concentration in conducting activities
Disorders or any major changes in diet and / or sleep patterns
There is a desire to run away from home
There are thoughts or expressions of suicide or self-destructive behavior
There are changes in personality
And many others (parents can definitely see and feel the difference in their children's behavior than usual)

A child who used to play with his friends may now spend most of their time alone and often without any activity. Activities are usually fun now bring little joy only for children who are depressed. Children and adolescents who are depressed may say they want dead or may talk about suicide. Depression can also cause the child or adolescent to consume alcohol or drugs is regarded as a way to overcome depression.

Children and adolescents who are often in trouble at home or at school may also be suffering from depression. Because children may not always seem sad, parents and teachers may not realize that the child's disruptive behavior is a sign of depression. When asked directly, these children can sometimes claim they are not happy or sad.

Early diagnosis and treatment are very important for children who are depressed. Depression is a real illness that requires professional help. Comprehensive treatment often is required, including therapy on the patient and his family. Treatment usually use antidepressants.

Suicide Among Teens

Various incidents or attempts of suicide among teenagers in recent years a lot happened. Many factors can lead teenagers to commit suicide include: depression, confusion, self doubt, demands from parents for the success, financial problems, relationship problems with friends, fears while growing into adulthood, parental divorce, and factors Other, For some teens, suicide ideation may emerge as a solution to overcome these problems.

If a child or adolescent says, I want to kill myself, or I'll kill myself, parents should give serious attention and immediate efforts to overcome them. People often feel uncomfortable when talking about death. However, when parents see signs of depression in the child, immediately talk to the child, no matter what happened and find a solution. If parents feel unable to cope alone, take it to the doctor. With the support of family and proper treatment, children and adolescents with depression and wanted to commit suicide can be cured and return to normal activities.

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