Sunday, August 14, 2011

Habits Bedwetting in Children and the Elderly

Generally, bed-wetting, which in medical terms is called enuresis, is a habit which is less fun for the parents were more prevalent in boys than girls. Possible activities due to more boys.

Bedwetting or enuresis can be divided into two types, namely primary enuresis and secondary enuresis. Primary enuresis is bedwetting habits without pause. This habit continues, there is no dry phase. While there jedanya secondary enuresis. According to him, normally a child will stop wetting after the age of 5 years or enter preschool.

From the research, the habit of bed-wetting stopped at noon at the age of 1 ½ - 2 years, and at age 2 ½ - 3 years to stop wetting the bed at night.

The habit of wetting can be caused by:

Psychological disorders such as stress, depression, feeling aggrieved, etc. less attention.
Organic disorders such as urinary tract infections, obstruction, etc..
Delayed maturation of the brain that controls urination.
Sleep disorders. Usually they include a sleep very soundly and ngompolnya can occur any time within sleep.
Impaired anti-diuretic hormone deficiency in production (= anti-urine hormone) at night, so at night, excessive urine production.
Genetic disorders on chromosomes 12 and 13 which are regulatory genes in urine and these disorders have a family history of bedwetting.
Snoring sleep time, due to enlarged tonsils and adenoid glands.

Besides emotional factors can also cause bedwetting habits in children, such as:

Expression rather than changes in the child by too quickly trained in toilet training too hard and early (when the child is still small).
Exercise less adekwat is not routinely trained.
Overproteksi mother because the assumption is still too small or too weak to be trained.
Most important is the child is trying to seek the attention of parents (especially mothers) because the mother is more concerned with getting a new brother or sister the child again.

Bedwetting can also be caused by organic factors, which is a disease that is diabetes insipidus in which the disease is characterized by frequent urination (polyuria) so that your child always wet the bed when asleep, also accompanied by a desire to continue drinking (palidipsia). Other signs of this disease is the child irritable, very tired, and there is a poor state of nutrition such as obesity (obesity) or very thin (cachexia).

Child's bedwetting habits rather than food as a trigger factor, a factor likely to play at a time when excessive drinking at school or with friends at home because a lot of kids activities such as playing ball sweat.

And no less important to always be reminded of cleanliness before rising early to bed to the bathroom to urinate and wash his limbs and sleepwear that is not too thin so that children do not freeze time to sleep.


To control bed-wetting children can be taken the following steps:

Restrictions on the number of drinks at night time.
Parents should not punish children who wet because it can cause psychological disturbances that would aggravate the bedwetting.
Wake the children after a few hours of sleep and taken to the bathroom to urinate.
Installing an alarm on the bed, so that when the child wet, wet, the alarm sounds, so that the child woke up and the child was disturbed by the sound of alarms and becomes wet again. This way parents know what time the child is usually wet, so it can wake up and tell the child urinate just before the alarm sounds.
To seek psychological treatment and overcome the psychological factors thought to be the cause of bedwetting.
Use drugs only if absolutely necessary.
When children sleep snoring because there is enlargement of tonsils and adenoids, then he needs to be sent to the ENT specialist for possible surgical removal of tonsils and adenoids.

Bedwetting in the Elderly

Bedwetting not only occur in children. Elderly people (seniors) can also experience it. In fact, on their activity, bed-wetting (urinary incontinence) is not only happening in bed, but also during the move.

Many people think incontinence in the elderly associated with the weakening of the organs of the body. So, they thought it for granted. And it actually should not be underestimated.

Based on the causes, incontinence in the elderly can be divided into four types. That is, the type of stress, urgency, over flow, and functional.

This type of stress occurred due to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles that pinch the urethra. When abdominal pressure, pelvic floor muscles could not hold the entire contents of the bladder so that its contents spilled.

Type of urgency caused by various disorders. Both disorders of consciousness, infection, stroke, and dementia. Types are characterized by feelings could not withstand excessive urination. Urine hurried out before it got to the bathroom.

Type over flow attack people affected by prostate tumors. In such cases, the tumor is blocking the urinary tract obstruct urine flow. Like the balloon, the bladder that holds urine gradually enlarges and ultimately did not fit to hold urine.

More types of functional limitations caused by motion. That could happen because of paralysis or weakness of the body so it can not afford to the bathroom.

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