A study conducted in Japan recently found that staying with some family members of different generations increase the risk of heart disease in women.
The women who lived and live in a household inhabited by several generations, including children and the grandfather / grandmother, have 2-3 times more risk of having serious heart disease than women who only lived with her husband.
The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Osaka and reported in the Online Issue of Heart editions Dec. 11. The study, followed by 91,000 families over 14 years shows that the increased risk of this kind not seen in men.
Although none of the participants experienced a serious illness like cancer, heart disorders or stroke when the study began, the researchers found that when meminitor final period in 2004, 671 people already diagnosed with coronary artery disease and 339 people have died from coronary heart disease.
The researchers say, live with families from different generations do not increase harmful habits like smoking and drinking. For example, only 2.7% of women living with husbands, children, and parents, smoking, compared with 6.3% of women who only lived with her husband.
The researchers said the increased risk is caused by the stress levels because women are not only responsible for housekeeping, but also should work.
"The majority of Japanese women in middle age working flat out," they wrote. "But the burden of the household (including the maintenance of children and parents) remain the primary task of women, despite their participation in the workforce also increased."
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women and heart disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said this pattern also occurs in America. "I talk about this all the time," he added.
"Women are more educated and more involved in the working world, but from a cultural perspective, women remain a person who plays the family to maintain."
Steinbaum said, because women are not only looking for money to work but must also maintain a large family, then the level of stress and pressure they experienced greater. "The economic situation is now also an enhancer of stress, as families sought to curb expenses," said Steinbaum.
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