Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Effect of Light Against Fear And Anxiety

Biologists and psychologists have long known that light affects mood. However, there is a new study suggests that light may also play a role in modulating fear and anxiety.

"Light plays an important role in modulating heart rate, circadian rhythms, sleep and wake cycle, digestive system, hormones, mood, and other body processes. In this study, we wanted to see how it affects the fear and study it, "said Brian Wiltgen, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Virginia.

Fear itself, he added, is not innate, but derived from the experience as dangerous or bad situation. Studying fear can protect us from danger, "the researchers said.

"Studies show that light affects learning, memory, and anxiety," says Wiltgen. "We now have shown that light can also modulate the response to fear."

"We saw that the light itself does not always increase fear, but more light increasing the fear of learning," says Wiltgen. "This is like a person learns to be more afraid in the dark." This study has been published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 2011.

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