By eating certain foods according to blood type diet and avoid foods in the diet according to blood type list, then the dieters blood type would gain four benefits.
Immunity to attack a wide range of viruses and infections. Protection against harmful diseases, are like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, liver failure. Avoid the various factors that cause cell damage that aging process does not occur.
The author of this blood type diet says that by studying the principles of blood type analysis, we can run the optimal diet for ourselves and also for our other family members. We can avoid foods that can make us sick, which can make our weight increases, and that can trigger various chronic diseases. The author also urges us to try this blood type diet for 2 weeks even though we do not believe this diet will give effect. Because the author has seen more than 4000 people in her research has benefited from following this diet according to blood type. They experience and feel more energetic fitness and lose weight in a short amount of time after starting the diet according to blood type.
Human history with diet and blood type
Blood Type O
Blood group O is believed to be the oldest in the context of evolution - it looks from the presence of Cro-Magnon man 40,000 years BC. All persons entrusted with blood type O, they have the same diet of red meat from animals that are hunted, they breathe the same organism in the environment. When the number of early humans who are top of the food chain reached its peak, there was migration, movement of the human race to other parts of the earth. Transfer them to the corners of the planet makes a blood type O blood type even today most of the earth. Because the ancestors of people with blood type O background as a hunter, then the O blood type diet is more adapted to a diet of red meat-based, low-carbohydrate diet with a little grain and no grain.
Blood Type A
Blood group A are evolutionarily younger. Blood type A is found in a region in Asia or the Middle East between 25,000 to 15,000 Before Masehi.Golongan A blood appears in line with the movement of people at first as the impact of competition hunting food. Blood group A there when the first humans to adapt the diet of carnivorous or meat eaters into omnivores or eating everything, including cereals, nuts, roots, and small animals. Planting activities carried out, as well as livestock animals. Thus arose the term of blood type A are cultivators (agricultural employers). Thus the blood type diet A vegetarian diet follows the basic pattern, a diet high in carbohydrates, and low-fat diet.
Blood Type B
Blood group B developed in a period of between 15,000 to 10,000 BC in the highlands of the Himalayas (now part of Pakistan and India). Transition caused by the hot climate of the savannah in eastern Africa to the Himalayan highlands are cold, people with blood type B may have a mutation. "Nomads" are perfect for people with blood type B. Carried by the nation of Mongolia to the lowlands in Southeast Asia, people with blood type B is prevalent in a population of Jews who are required to follow a diet pattern Kashruth (Kosher), which has quite a lot in common with diet Muslims (Halal). It is no coincidence that the Jewish dietary laws with blood type O, they should consume a balanced diet with few restrictions will be foods that can act as toxins in their bodies. Blood Type B people are encouraged to follow a balanced diet with a variety of vegetables, fruits, dairy products (milk and eggs), grains and meat.
Blood Type AB
Blood group AB has the youngest age and is the result of marriages of people with blood type A and B. Research shows that people with blood type AB has not been found up to 10 to 12 centuries ago. Blood type AB is a combination of Caucasian ethnic marriages (European groups) with the tribes of Mongolia. There has been no evidence that people with blood type AB at 900 - 1000 years ago when large groups of migrating from West to East. People with AB blood type is hardly found in graves in Europe before the year 900. Blood type AB is the union of two types of blood groups A and B, then the AB blood type inherited tolerance on both types of blood groups. In other words, people with blood type AB have few restrictions in their diet. So people with blood type AB have a high ability to tolerate various kinds of foods in the diet they eat.
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