Thursday, February 17, 2011

Effect of Vitamin D Against the Mood

About 50 percent of women were more prone to experience mood disorders than men. Mood is the mood or emotional state of an individual. When there is something that affects a prolonged emotional state, an individual may experience mental disorders such as depression or seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
According to some studies, mood disorders are also associated with a lower low intake of vitamin D in one's body.
One study that supports it is to research published "Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging" in 1999. In that study, volunteers with low levels of vitamin D supplements during the trial reported getting better grades on Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.
Other studies of vitamin D deficiency states in the elderly is a common problem, and the problems it can affect their mood.
In a study published in December 2006 in "The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry" suggests, parents who experience a deficiency of vitamin D experienced a worse mood. Not only that, their cognitive performance, too affected.
Another study, published "The Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism", involving 531 women and 423 men aged 65 years and older, found that men and women with low vitamin D levels have a higher risk for developing depressive mood.

There is also the possibility of a correlation between depression and overweight patients and obese experience a lack of vitamin D. In a study in 2008, published "The Journal of Internal Medicine" found no relationship between symptoms of depression with low levels of serum 25-hydroxitamin D (a form of vitamin D in the body).
Treating patients by giving vitamin D supplements was found to reduce symptoms of depression. Improvement was seen in both groups, where the first group ate 20.000IU each week and the second group consumed 40.000IU each week.

There should not be carelessly
Although several studies support an association between vitamin D and improved mood. But use of vitamin D must not be indiscriminate. Because, if consumed in excessive amounts of this vitamin can cause a medical condition that could potentially become serious, or known as hypervitaminosis D.
This shows the level of toxicity of vitamin D in your body. Hypervitaminosis D causes the formation of calcium in the blood, thus causing some problems such as poor appetite, weakness, vomiting, kelimbungan, constipation, and nausea.

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