Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Junk Food Can Cause Pimply, depression, senile and Damage Brain Cells

Junk food, when food is most often found everywhere and many people consumed, the reason, among others, easily obtainable, relatively cheap price, good taste and attractive appearance. Pizza, fried chicken, burgers and a variety of soft drinks is an example of a very popular junk food, even has become mandatory daily meal for some people.

Junk food is the word 'slang' for foods with low nutrient content. Usually this junk food contains high levels of salt, sugar, high fat or calories, but the lace low nutritional vitamins, minerals and fiber). The price is usually cheaper than healthy foods, and tastes better (but not healthy).

Because low in nutrients, these foods are not many health benefits just filling and give the sensation of taste. If you are accustomed to eating this kind of junk food from an early age, it is increasingly difficult to prevent degenerative and aging processes that occur.

Even junk food can be harmful to health if consumed in excessive amounts and in the long term. This is because junk food is usually high in calories, high fat, low in fiber and contain various additional substances such as preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, caffeine, excess salt or sugar content, and others.

Junk Food Damages Brain Cells

Experts in the United States again warned of dangers of the habit of regularly eating junk food or junk food.

According to recent research, food with high fat content, but the nutritional value of this zero can damage cells in the brain that controls body weight, and trigger a cycle of obesity. These findings also explain why people who are overweight are so difficult to lose weight.

Junk Food Trigger Depression

Eating foods containing trans fats are high not only makes a person's risk of heart disease, but also increase the risk of developing depression, according to the study of scientists in Spain.

Trans fats (trans fat) is a type of fat that can be found in the form of artificially in pastry products and fast food. Most trans fats are artificially synthesized through a chemical process that adds hydrogen to vegetable oil. In plain language, that means convert liquid oils into solid fats.

Researchers from the Universities of Navarra and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the latest research declare trans fat can trigger depression. The results of this study support the results of several previous studies that revealed the adverse effects of these fats for the body.

In his research, the researchers monitored and analyzed the dietary patterns and lifestyles around 12 thousand participants for 6 years. At the beginning of the study, none diagnosed with depression, but at the end of the study, as many as 657 volunteers recorded a new sufferers.

Still according to the research report, the number of people with depression throughout the world today reaches 150 million people and this figure increased in recent years. This increase, said researchers, was caused by a radical change from the source of fat in the diet diasup west, where a number of specific types of fat that is beneficial polyunsaturated fats (polyunsaturated) and monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated) in nuts, oils fish and vegetable oils - is replaced with the type of saturated fat and trans-fats found in meat, butter and other types of products such as pastry and fast food.

Junk Food and Soft Drink, Make Spotty?

There is a growing amount of research that states that there is a relationship between diet and acne. However, the dermatologist agreed, this fact still needs more research. Most adolescents aged 17-18 years have acne, and this can last until age 20's and 30's. In other cases, acne is due to genetic factors. However, in general, acne is caused by the environment and is triggered by food.

Acne is actually arise when your pores clogged due to oil glands (sebum) in the inflamed pore. Inflammation occurs when the oil glands produce excess oil, interrupted by dead skin cells, or filled pores, which encourages the growth of bacteria.

Once the dermatologist believes there is no relationship between diet and acne. However, emerging evidence suggests that some foods and certain beverages may have caused or trigger acne in some people.

Improving blood sugar levels

Food packaging and filter creates perfect conditions for acne. Therefore, these foods increase blood sugar levels rapidly, and cause insulin levels to rise. Some foods commonly consumed by adults can cause acne, among other snacks that contain sugar, white bread, and soft drinks. These foods do not directly cause acne because of metabolic changes in response, and promote insulin.

Increasingly, high insulin levels cause more dry skin, thicker, and flakes of dry skin that clog pores. Insulin also increases levels of free androgens (male hormones) in men and women, which then causes the sebaceous glands in the skin produce more oil, and memincu acne. Adults are more responsive to insulin so that it can cause more problems.

If you want to avoid acne, eat foods such as pasta, brown rice, bread and wheat flour, apples, melons, and fresh fruits. Juices should be reduced because it also increases blood sugar and insulin levels.

Most Junk Food Can senile

Recent studies in mice in the laboratory showed that consumption of junk food can lead to damage brain nerve cells similar to Alzheimer's disease dementia.

Rats given junk food for nine months showed signs of brain abnormalities in the form of a series of neurofibrillary tangles containing tau protein indicates the existence of Alzheimer's, reported the scientists from the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

These findings indicate how moderan lifestyle habits such as diet rich in fat, sugar and cholesterol increases the risk of a type of dementia is most commonly found.

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